Ninja Cat + Marketo Setup

Ninja Cat + Marketo Setup

The purpose of this document is to walk you through how to set up the custom email data sources that we use to report on Marketo for Marketing Automation. If you have any questions about this process or doc, please email marketingsupport@dealerspike.com.

Data Source in Ninja Cat

Go to Set Up → Data Sources

Search for Marketo. Multiple custom email data sources will show up, you will need to complete the following steps for Marketo User Data.

Export Account Emails (account must already exist in Ninja Cat) and look for the client you are working on. Copy the custom email.

In Marketo

In the Marketing Activities area, find the workspace you're setting up reporting for.

In the Operation Program folder, create (or if it exists then just make sure it exists) a folder for Reporting

Click "New" in the window to the right and "Import Program"

Choose the dealerspikellc subscription and look for the COE - Reporting program

Hit Next

Choose the Reporting folder for the client and uncheck the default conflict rules and use the following rules instead:

Ignore program tags

Use Destination Landing Page Template

Keep both files for images with the same name

Replace existing templates for email templates

Click Import

Once Completed, navigate to the program and update the program and report names

Click on the NC Daily People Report and navigate to the "People" tab

Click on the "View: Default" drop-down and select "Daily People Export" NOTE: If Daily People Export doesn't exist, see the bottom of this doc for instructions on setup

Click "List Actions" above and select "New Smart List Subscription"

Give it a name of the dealership initials and "- Daily People Report"

Open the file of email addresses that you downloaded from Ninja Cat above

Find the email address that corresponds to the client's Ninja Cat account and paste it into the Recipients area

Leave the Frequency as "Daily", Never End Delivery, and change the format to Comma Separated Value (Excel 2007)

Click "Create"

It should load a screen showing the subscription and any other subscriptions that workspace may have

Creating the Daily People Export View

From the "People" tab of the report, open the "View" drop-down and select "Create View"

Add and remove columns to the "Visible Columns" side until you are left with only the following columns:

  • ID
  • Last
  • First
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Person Score
  • Person Source
  • Updated
  • ds_segment_manufacturer
  • ds_segment_vehicle type
  • ds_segment_vehicle sub type
  • mkto_last program success

Name it "Daily People Export"

Click "Create"