How to Find Billing Info in Insights

How to Find Billing Info in Insights

Hello Team! Accounting is getting ready for a lot of exciting new things so we will be very busy over the next coming months. But no worries! There are things you can do so you don’t have to wait for responses.

First, if a customer calls to ask to update their billing info, please let them know they can go to dealerspike.com/accounts to update their payment method. The only thing they need from us, is their QB number which you can easily find on their account and give to them:

Also, we have all contracts and billing info on insight for you now!

To find a contract you will go to the top tool bar when you are in a customer account, click the arrow and at the end and select “Documents”

Finally, you are also able to view billing details now and AR dates! In the customer account, you can scroll down to “Corporate Invoices” and select the most recent one and will be able to view AR dates and all info billed. Please note, some customer may have more than one invoice in a period:

One other note is that we will be loading these invoices the same day they are sent out to customers (normally the second business day of the month) so that you will be able to see them if customers call and ask about them. We will also revise all invoices the following month in case their were any changes during that time.

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