Marketo Off-Boarding

Marketo Off-Boarding

This process should be completed the month after canceling. So if they cancel in January, wait until February to complete these tasks.

Final Data Export

Navigate to the "Database" area in Marketo

Find the client and open the "system smart lists" folder

Click on "All People"

Click on "List Actions" and then "Export List"

Choose "All Columns" and "Comma Separated Values"

Once completed, click "Download now" and send this file to the MA rep

Now click to the "People" tab

Click "Select all" and then "Delete Person"

Click "Run Now" on the pop-up window

Delete the Workspace

In the admin area, click into "Workspaces and Partitions"

Click to the "Workspaces" tab

Find the dealership's workspace and click to highlight it

Click "Delete Workspace" at the top of the page

Enter the Asset number into the box, select the "Cannot Undo" box, and click "Delete"

Delete the Database Partition

In the admin area, click into "Workspaces and Partitions"

Click to the "Person Partitions" tab

Find the dealership's partition and click on it.

Select "Delete Person Partition" at the top of the page