Email Formatting Trouble Shooting

Email Formatting Trouble Shooting

Issue: Text Size Formatting

Wrong text size in preview email when text looks fine in email editor and in-browser preview

How to rectify: Highlight the text and manually resize.

Resize video: https://cl.ly/36b0eba78559

Why it happens: Usually when the styling in a preview send differs from the editor in this way it is because the text was copied from somewhere that already had styling associated with it. In some cases, such as this one, just restyling the text will work.

Sometimes the style that has been brought in with the text can't be overwritten. In this case, a method would need to be used to convert it to plain text before pasting. (i.e. pasting into notepad++ before pasting into the email editor)

Issue: Image won’t center

Image is centered in editor and in-browser preview but skewed in preview emails

How to rectify: Wrap an HTML <center> tag around the image element.

A way to have this centered without needed to do this, would to be to make a version of the logo that was full width, or nearly (700px) or so, that had whitespace on either side of the current logo.

This could be uploaded into either the full width image element or the full width + padding element.

Why it happens: Windows Outlook, unlike most other email clients, doesn't respect the majority of CSS used to style emails. They have chosen to use a Microsoft Word based rendering engine. This means that the CSS used to style parts of an email won't always transfer over.

In this case, there is an image in the center of a table that is larger than the image.

Screenshot: https://cl.ly/0af61000683f

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