Marketo Setup Guide
Branding Setup
Email Domain Branding
From the Marketo homepage, click "Admin" at the top of the page
Click "Email" in the left-hand menu
Scroll down and look for a section called "Branding Domains"
Click "Add"
In the pop-up window, input the dealer's branding domain by adding "em." to the beginning of their URL.
For example: becomes
Click "Next"
Select the "COE" workspace and then move onto the next step. This will adjust automatically when we set up the Workspace in the next section.
NOTE: If this doesn't work, make a note on the first month card and move on to the next steps.
Click to the "SPF/ DKIM" tab
Click "Add Domain"
Input the dealer's base URL. Remove all "http", "www", and any other "/" that may be in the url if you copied from your web browser.
Click "Add" and you will see a screen that looks like this
Navigate to the Marketo DKIM/SPF Setup spreadsheet and enter the relevant info.
Once you've entered the info for your client, send an email to Set the subject line to be "[Dealership Name] - DKIM Setup"
Now it might take up to a day for these records to be updated. Move on to "Setting Up the Workspace & Database Partition" for now, but make a note for yourself to finish this section once the records are updated.
Highlight the domain you are verifying, and click "Check DNS"
If it worked, you will get a success message, and both DKIM Status and SPF Status will read "verified"
Should you get an error, make a note and send a ticket to detailing the error.
Setting Up the Workspace & Database Partition
When we setup a new client in Marketo, we need to set up their Workspace and Database Partition.
While still in the admin area, navigate to "Workspaces and Partitions" on the left-hand side of the screen.
There will be two tabs on your screen: Workspaces and Person Partitions
First, let's create the person partition. Click to that tab and select "New Person Partition"
Name: Dealership Name with no special characters (remove any dashes, apostrophes, or ampersands from the dealership name)
Description: Dealer URL
Without selecting anything else, click "Save"
Click back to the "Workspace" tab
Click "New Workspace" and fill out the info in the pop-up window
Name: Dealership Name
Description: Dealership URL
Choose the person partition you just created
Select the branding domain you setup in the previous step as the primary branded domain. NOTE: If you were unable to setup the branding domain just select "default".
Select English for the language
Click "Create"
You should now see the new account in the list.
Importing Master Programs
Click the Marketo Ball in the upper-left-hand corner and select "Marketing Activities"
Right-click on the workspace you're setting up and click "New Folder"
Label it using the Dealership's initials, and add "- Master Program Templates"
Click on the workspace you're importing into
Under the "Marketing Activities" tab, click "New" and then "Import Program"
Set the Subscription to the name of the instance you're in. I this case, "dealerspikellc"
Now choose your import program. We will need to import all programs that start with "COE". Let's start with "
Select the folder you set up above.
Uncheck "Use default conflict rules"
Update the conflict rules to reflect the following:
- Program Tags: Ignore
- Landing Page template with the same name: Use destination template
- Images with the same name: keep both files
- Email templates with the same name: Replace existing template
Click "Next", verify the info, and then click "Import"
You will see a status bar pop-up in the top-right corner
The program should appear in the folder.
Click on the program.
Click on the "View" drop-down menu and change it to "Summary"
Click on the name of the program to edit it.
Replace the following:
- COE with the Dealership Initials
- YYYY with the year you're in right now
- MM with the month you're in
- DD with the day you're in
- Remove the " - 1"
To replace the XXXX, look at the URL for the program. Take the four-number string at the end of the URL and put it here.
So in this case,
NP-EM-2019-11-15-1259-Email Send
Click "Save" and repeat for the next program! See the image below for the full list of Master Programs
Importing Operational Programs
Create a folder like you did above but instead label it "Operational"
Create three sub-folders:
"Client Notifications"
"Data Management"
Copy the following programs to the relevant folders: