How to use the MA QA board

How to use the MA QA board

Once you have finished a newsletter or series of emails, you should send it through QA to look over links, formatting, and other minor details we may have overlooked.

First, navigate to the MA QA Trello board: https://trello.com/b/MnleqsAV/ma-qa

Make a copy of the template card

Give the card a title with the dealership name

Add a label for the month that email is for (e.g. "November" for a Thanksgiving newsletter)

Send preview email to digms.qa@dealerspike.com

Leave a comment on the card with the subject lines for the emails you've just sent

Set a due date at least 24 hrs before the email is to be set live - If needed, add a high-priority tag

Drag the card to the "Needs QA" column

Now wait for QA to be completed

If the card lands in "Needs Corrections" column, take a look at the notes from the QA team, apply the changes, and then drag to the "Archive" column. If you made any MAJOR updates, drag it back to the "Needs QA" column and re-send the preview email.

If you did everything perfectly the first time, the card will land in "Good to go". Drag and drop to the "Archive" column!