Installing GA & GTM

Installing GA & GTM

Setting Up Google Analytics

In this guide we are going to add the site to our analytics account, and get the analytics code that we are going to use for google tag manager.

  1. Sign into the SEO Chrome Profile.

  2. Go To Google Analytics. There should be a link on the menu bar, if there is not you can just do a search for Google Analytics.

  3. Once in the Google Analytics Profile you are going to want to figure out what folder you are going to be adding the new clients to.

    1. In the Search Bar on the Analytics portal type ‘Dealer Spike Part’

    2. Also Collapse all the folders

    3. Now that the list is easier to read, look for the Dealer Spike Folder that is the newest, you will know what one that is by the one with the highest number. In the example below that is going to be ‘Dealer Spike Part 15’

  4. Now that you know what folder you are going to add the client to, you will now add our client to that folder.

    1. You will want to get into the admin section. To do this you will click on the gear icon in the lower left hand of the page.

    2. Once in the admin section you will want to find the folder that you are going to be working in. You will do this by clicking below where it says account, and finding the folder (account) that you found in the previous step.

    3. Now you will move to the next column to create a new property

      1. If the folder is full you will have to create a new folder, this will be gone over in detail in {this guide} guide to be written later

      2. At the bottom of the drop down click on where it says ‘Create New Property’

      3. When creating a new property the first thing you are going to do is make sure you are tracking for a website.

      4. Next you are going to want to fill out the Website name, The Website URL, and the Industry Category.

        1. The Website name is what you would normally call that site, or the dealerships name. Such as Dealer Spike Powersports or Portland Tractor Company.

        2. The Website URL is going to be the address that you put into the nav bar on your browser to get to the web site.

        3. The industry category will most likely be Automotive, if you feel that it fits somewhere else in the option please approach the team/pod lead

        4. Once that is all filled out click Get Tracking ID.

  5. Now that you have the tracking ID Make sure to copy it down, you will need that code later.

  6. You are now going to want to set up the initial view.

    1. You are going to first click on the button that will lead you one level up in the folder that you are currently in.

  7. Next we are going to change the section that says ‘All Web Site Data’ to something more meaningful for us.

    1. Below where it says ‘All Web Site Data’ click on View Settings

    2. Now that you are in the view settings you are going to want to change the View Name to the name of the dealership you are working on

    3. Then Scroll to the bottom and click save to save your changes.

  8. Now you are going to move onto setting up Google Tag Manager.

Setting Up Google Tag Manager

We are going to setup Google Tag Manager. You are going to need access to the google account we are currently using to track with GTM, as well as the UA code that you got when you set up Google Analytics (GA). If you have not set up GA please do that before proceeding.

  • Google Analytics Setup

  1. The first step is going to be to make sure that you still have the UA code that we got from analytics.

  2. You will want to know what profile to use to add a client to GTM.

    1. Google only allows each profile to set up a limited amount of sites on Google Tag Manager so we are going to have to make profiles for each.

    2. If  you do not know what profile to use reach out in the SEO/SEM chat. Currently we are going to be using the SEM Profile to set up GTM.

  3. Once you know what profile you are going to use to set up GTM log into that account on your chrome browser.

  4. Now Go To Google Tag manager by clicking the link on the toolbar, if for some reason that link is not present you may get there by following this link.

    1. https://tagmanager.google.com/#/home

  5. Now that you are in GTM you are going to want to Create an Account

    1. Click where it says Create Account.

    2. Now that you are in the Add a New Account section you will start by giving the account a name, this name will be the name of your dealership.

    3. Then Click Continue

    4. The container name will be the URL of the site you are working on

    5. You are creating a Web Container so click on ‘Web’

    6. Click Create

      1. This will bring up the GTM TOS (Terms of Service), you can read it if you’d like, or just press the big blue ‘Yes’ on the right hand side of the page.

  6. Now that your account is created you we are going to install GTM on our page

    1. After clicking ‘Yes’ on the TOS you are going to have a screen that has two blocks of code on it.

    2. Now with that code open you are going to open notepad++ or whatever text editor you wish to use.

      1. Within the folder for the site you are working on you are going to open a subfolder named ‘includes’ and then two files. stdHeaderEnd.inc and stdHeaderStart.inc

      2. The first code is going to go into the stdHeaderStart.inc file.

        1. You will want to copy and paste the code into the stdHeaderStart.inc file as high up in the <head> section of the page as possible.

        2. You will then want to adjust the commented out section to include SEO/SEM Your Name and the Date.

        3. So the code will look very similar to this when it is all done

        4. Now save your changes.

      3. The second code we are going to want to place in stdHeaderEnd.inc

        1. You will want to copy and paste the code into the stdHeaderEnd.inc file as close to the <body> tag as possible

        2. You will want to adjust the connected out section to include SEO/SEM Your name and the Date

        3. So the code will look very similar to this when it is done

        4. Now save your changes.

Adding Tags

Analytics Tag

  1. We will now want to add our Analytics code to Google Tag Manager

    1. After you have copied the code from GTM you should be able to hit esc on your keyboard to drop down to the Workspace Panel.

    2. You will then want to add a New Tag

    3. At the top of the page it is going to say ‘Untitled Tag’ you will want to change that to ‘DS - GA Tracking Code’

    4. Then click where it says ‘Tag Configuration’

      1. Next you will choose a tag type. For this, choose ‘Universal Analytics’

      2. Track Type will be Page View

      3. For Select Settings Variable… choose new variable.

        1. Within New Variable paste in you GTA Tag

        2. You will also want to name this SEO SEM Analytics Tag

        3. Click Save

      4. Then when you are back in the DS - GA Tracking Code move down the screen and click on where it says ‘Triggering’

      5. When choosing a trigger choose “All Pages”

      6. Next, Save your progress

    5. Now you are going to want to make sure that your changes are live.

      1. Back in the workspace in the upper right hand corner click where it says submit.

      2. You can create a description of what you did on the next part if you would like or just click publish and then click continue.

      3. Now go to the clients page you are working on and click on Google Tag Assistant

      4. Then click enable and refresh your page.

      5. Now open Google Tag Assistant again and it should look similar to this.

      6. If you see anything other than green and blue tags you may have done something wrong and will need to roll back and double check your work

Add label