Activating LeadTrak on the Admin Panel

Activating LeadTrak on the Admin Panel

Activating Lead Track

Navigate to your client’s website folder in FTP and open the config.asp

Copy and paste the following code at the bottom of the “Admin Tools Enabled” section


From the settings page in SharpSpring, navigate to the bottom of the menu and select “API Settings”

Click “Generate Code”

Copy the Account ID and Secret Key into the CONFIG_API_SHARPSPRING_ACCOUNTID and CONFIG_API_SHARPSPRING_KEY respectively

Save your changes

BEFORE CLOSING THE CONFIG.ASP: Head to your dealer’s homepage and ctrl+f5 to ensure the site still works

**NOTE** If you break the site, don’t panic. Head back to the config.asp and ctrl+z until the file is as it was before our changes. Save it again and reload the site to ensure it works.

Head to the admin panel of the website and check under the “leads” tab to make sure the “Lead Track” option is there.

Finally, in your client's admin panel, select the gear icon in the top right corner

Select "Manage Users"

Next to your contact's account, select "Permissions" and ensure that "LeadTrak" is selected. Save before you close out!