Requesting and Linking Email Setup Template

Requesting and Linking Email Setup Template

Navigate to the Graphic Design Trello Board

Navigate to the Templates column and find a card labeled "MA New Client Setup Template"

Hover over the card and click the pencil icon to bring up the menu

Select "Copy"

Replace the card title with the name of the dealership.

Change the list to "Marketing Automation

Select "Create Card"

Open the new card and fill out the information

  • Dealer Name
  • City/State
  • URL
  • Social Media Buttons
    • These can typically be found in the footer of the dealer's website

Go to the client website and drag/drop the dealer logo onto the card

Set a due date for 2 business days

For ARI clients, add the "ARI" label

Tag yourself and the rep on the card

Now wait two days

Linking the Email Template

Once completed, the card will be placed into the "For Review (MA)" column

Open up the client's account in SharpSpring

In the top menu bar, navigate to "Content" and select "Email Templates"

Open the Miscellaneous folder and look for a template named "Setup Template". If you can't find it, you can also search in the bar at the top-right of the screen.

Hover over the email and select the gear icon in the bottom corner. Select "Edit Template"

All needed links can be found on the client's website.

  • Link all logos to the dealer's homepage
  • Replace the phone number with the dealer's number
  • Link the phone number icon and input "tel:##########" (Where the # is the phone number. Eg tel:8002885917)
  • Link the "Contact Us" email icon to the contact us page
  • Replace the "Contact Us" text with the website address
  • Add address and hour info in the middle section of the email footer
  • Add all available social media links. These can typically be found in the footer of the website.

Click the "Save Template" button on at the top-right of the screen

Back on the graphic design board, move the card to the "completed" column

Send a message to the rep letting them know the template has been created