Setting up Lead Scoring

Setting up Lead Scoring

Importing the Programs

Go to the Marketing Activities area in Marketo

Scroll to find the workspace you're working in

Add a new folder to the Operational Programs folder named with the dealership initials and "- Lead Scoring"

Click on the workspace and click the "new" drop-down menu under "Marketing Activities" Select "Import Program"

In the Import program box, type "scoring" and look for the programs with "OP" prefix

On the next screen, select the folder you created for Lead Scoring

Uncheck "Use Default Conflict Rules" and do the following:

Program Tags: Ignore

Landing Page: Use Destination Template

Images: Keep Both Files

Email Templates: Replace Existing Template

Click "Import"

Repeat the process for the other Lead Scoring program. You should finish with two programs: Behavior Scoring and Demographic Scoring

Click into each program and update the prefix with the dealer initials and update the 4 numbers after the year to the 4 numbers found in the URL

Activating the Campaigns

Open the campaign and click into the "Campaigns" folder and then open the "Interactions" folder

Click into each smart campaign and into the Schedule tab

Click "Activate"

NOTE: Only activate campaigns for the behavior scoring program. Do not activate the Multiple Key Web Pages campaign.