CNAME Update Email Template

CNAME Update Email Template

To find the CNAMEs for your client, go to Settings → Company Email Settings → DKIM and Sending Domains

Click "Get my CNAME Settings" and replace the template info below with the client-specific CNAMEs


In order to help your marketing automation campaign run effectively, we are requesting the following records are added to your domain.


These records help achieve a few things. First, it helps Email Service Providers (ESP) identify that your emails are coming from a verified and valid domain and that you are not trying to spoof or fake your email address. Second, it ensures the links in your emails are properly tracked while still letting your customers see a preview of the link before clicking. All of these help send positive trust signals to both your users and ESPs which will help boost deliverability and engagement throughout your email campaigns.

We recommend opening a support ticket with your DNS to get these records properly updated. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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