Creating A New Report For A New Client

This will cover the steps needed to set up a NinjaCat report for a brand new client or for a client that needs this set up once more for other reasons. 

  1. To run a report through Ninja Cat, first navigate to the "REPORTING" tab.

From here, you can see a history of all reports previous created and run, along with which ones need to be sent, have any errors, or are scheduled to run. Currently, there is no way to batch run any reports so we will need to go in and set up each one to run manually. However, we can set it up to be a recurring schedule, so once you have it set up for an account, unless any changes need to be made, we will be set for future reports for that specific account.

2. Click on the blue "CREATE REPORT" button. You will then enter in the following information:

3. Select the account and the template you want to use.

If the dealer has both SEO and SEM, you will need to go through this process twice in order to set up both reports to run. The current templates to use are:

  • SEM Report 2.0
  • SEM Report Version 1.4 Live

4. To establish the schedule we want, use the following settings:

The Repeat (Month) is the frequency of monthly reporting, so by selecting 1 we are making sure it runs every month, where 2 would be every other month and 6 would be twice a year, etc. We need to keep the time no earlier than 4AM on the day we want the reports to go out. This is so that we can ensure any APIs we have going have enough time to get a full days worth of data on the last day of the previous month. You will not need to do any overrides on the next part, so just skip that for now.

5. Rename the File to what exact report this is: Tracy Motorsports Monthly Report instead of just "monthly", since many of our dealers will be getting multiple monthly reports.

6. Publish to dashboard.

7. For Email Mode, select "DO NOT EMAIL". This will allow us to QA as well as only send the email if the client has scheduled the call so we can go over it with them. 

8. Finally, email recipients will default to the primary contact email we entered during the initial account set up. You don’t need to edit this unless you know the report needs to be sent to multiple people at that dealership. In this case, you’ll need to re-enter the primary contact as well as each other additional email separated by a semi-colon.

9. Make sure "Attachment Mode" is set to "Include" and then everything else can be left blank as these will pull from the default email template.

10. Save changes and you’ll be taken back to the pages of reports.

11. Search for the report and click the three lines under "Action".

12. Click "Run Now".

13. The report will take a few minutes to run but will be available for download once it's ready.