Monthly Work Flow

Monthly Work Flow

After the reporting call

  1. Open the client sheet and navigate to the MA Work Done tab
    1. Look for any notes left by the account manager from the reporting calls
      1. Update any previous requests with new info

Throughout the month

  1. Send email proofs to clients as they are completed
  2. Monitor newsletter performance
  3. Activate workflows/ emails as approved
    1. Add new automation emails to reports

Planning the next month

  1. Analysis
    1. Analyze campaign performance
      1. Automated workflow performance
      2. Automated email performance
      3. Newsletter performance
    2. Analyze lists and users
      1. Lists with high growth
      2. Lists with low growth
      3. Opportunity for new lists
      4. High-engagement lists
      5. Low-engagement lists
    3. Analyze website traffic
      1. Top landing pages
      2. Pages with increased traffic
      3. Pages with decreased traffic
      4. Organic search rankings/ traffic
  2. Decision and Proposal
    1. Decide your initiatives for the next month
    2. Write proposed work
    3. Request the next month's emails

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