Initiative & Campaign Ideas (?)



Welcome Campaign

Welcome new users to the dealership with an automated email sent to all newly-identified contacts.

This includes info about the dealership, links to important departments, and maybe an offer for new users.

Product Interest (Pre-sale)

Lead Nurturing

Drip campaigns based on the identified interests of a user. Can be vehicle type, manufacturer, price range, or any other user segment with a specific focus we want to nurture.

Unit based campaign

Feature brand new units or just units the dealership has in. New or Used focus.


Encourage cross-selling to Parts. Can setup drip campaigns to focus on service info and specials for certain user segments.


  • Same as service ish

Gated Content/ Exclusive offer

  • Exclusive online offer form

  • Discount/ exclusive test rides/ other promotions for filling out that form

Re-Engagement Campaign

  • Sent to users who filled a form but haven’t interacted with the site in X amount of time

  • Can be targeted to whatever they were interested in before ghosting

  • Should include some sort of offer/enticement.  For example if the dealer has a test riding event, or an in house coffee shop. Something that the dealership already has/does that they can easily offer to entice people in - if relevant.

  • Can be coordinated with dealers to see if any past leads didn’t convert

Top of mind campaign

  • Reminds customers of brand

  • Customer not ready to buy, but dealer wants to remind of offer

Targeted page/ cart abandonment email

  • Page-specific

  • Send targeted email if user leaves on a specific page - Great for rider courses or other event sign-ups


Repeat Purchase/Cross-selling Campaign

  • Parts/Service Focused

  • Hit customers who have already bought a unit/ completed a service appointment

  • Service

    • Seasonality-based services

      • Winterization/Summerization

    • Mileage Maintenance Reminders

    • General Maintenance reminders

      • Oil change

      • Air filter

      • Fluids

  • Parts

    • Accessories

    • Replacement parts

  • Timed Emails

    • Reminder 1 week after purchase

    • 3mo/6mo/1yr reminders

Information/Update Campaign

  • New product/service offers

  • Event info

  • Special pricing on previously viewed items

Feedback Campaign

  • Garner reviews for business on 3rd party platforms

  • Gain insights into customer experience

  • Event feedback/suggestions

  • May not be needed if client has SEO/ Reputation Management

Referral Campaign

  • Send-to-a-friend forms

  • Bonus/ incentive to share

    • Discounts

    • Coupons

    • Raffles/ Drawings

Branding/ Brand Loyalty

Limited time campaign

  • Take advantage of FOMO

  • Good for sales/ promotions/ events

Goal Targeted Emails

  • Special events/ promotions when criteria met

    • Submit inquiry on specific unit

    • New product showcase

  • Targeted at getting customers to come in/ sign up/ etc.


  • Top units

  • Dynamic based on user behavior

  • Current promotions/ sales

Birthday Specials

A/B Testing For Campaigns

  • Can be used for any campaign

  • Good for campaigns with a lot of users

  • Adjust emails and workflows to test what works best