How do I upload pricing?

How do I upload pricing?

To upload pricing per catalog for dealers using the Medical, Automotive, and Pool & Spa Command Center, follow these steps.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Within your Command Center, go to the Store > Product Manager > Import/Export Pricing area.

  2. Click the Import Pricing button.
    1. Click the Browse button and locate the file on your computer.
    2. Select the corresponding catalog name from the dropdown.
    3. If your file contains headers, check the corresponding box. This tells the uploader whether to skip the first line in your file or not.
    4. Choose Ignore, MSRP, or Exclude.
      1. Ignore: Any part numbers not in your spreadsheet will be left as they currently are in the system.
      2. MSRP: Any part numbers not in your spreadsheet will have their store price set to the same as MSRP. If no MSRP is available, no price will be set.
      3. Exclude: Any part numbers not in your spreadsheet will be set to excluded and will no longer appear on your website.
    5. Click the Import CSV File button.
    6. Map the headers for your file. The only two columns that are required are Part Number and Price.
    7. Click the Save File button.


To ensure proper formatting, you may want to use the Download Pricing button first to get a copy of all of the part numbers for the catalog you are working with. All part numbers will be prefaced with a # to ensure that leading zeroes are not lost.

Need More Help?

Watch our tutorial video, How to Use Product Manager.