Fluency: Underspend Protection

Fluency: Underspend Protection

Fluency utilizes four different functions to try and help an account spend its full budget for the month. In order, they are: bid adjustments, broad match keywords, relaxed ad schedules and radius expansion. One item will be applied each day until the budget is back to the desired pace. If no changes take place with a selected underspend item, Fluency will move to the next action. These actions can all be found on the Budgets tab in the Basic account settings.

Fluency underspend location

How does it work?

On the 15th day of each month, if an account's spend is at least one full day behind its desired pace, underspend protection will be engaged. In order for the account to be eligible for this action, all of the following must be true:

  • The account is NOT in Read-Only mode.
  • The account is NOT being held.
  • Monthly account budgets have NOT been exhausted.
  • Total account budget must be greater than $0.
  • The budget configuration has at least 1 underspending budget.
  • The budget was NOT created in the last 15 days.
  • An underspend protection type(s) has been selected for the budget.

The features

  • Increased bid adjustments:
    • The rep will need to select a bid adjustment to place on the campaigns under the selected budget.
  • Broad match keywords:
    • Fluency will add broad match keywords to the account to match all phrase match and exact match keywords.
      • These broad match keywords will be added to the account, they will not replace the existing phrase or exact match keywords.
  • Relaxed ad schedules:
    • If there are any ad schedules applied, they will be removed with this step.
  • Location radius expansion (Underspend Geo Max):
    • This radius will be applied to your location targeting. The number entered will need to be the total desired radius, not the amount added to the current radius.
      • Ex: If your default location targeting is a 60-mile radius and you want to increase it to 100 miles, put "100 miles" in the Underspend Geo Max column. Putting in 40 miles will only add an overlapping smaller radius over your default radius.

When does it turn off?

All changes will be automatically reverted after the 5th of the following month if ad spend delivery is on pace and an underspend feature has not been added in the last 10 days.

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