Co-Op Overview

Co-Op Overview

What Are Co-Ops?

When a client advertises for a manufacturer, they are eligible to receive a certain percentage of that advertising spend back from that brand.


If a dealer spends $500 on SEM advertisements for Yamaha, they are eligible to receive $250 back from Yamaha.

Co-Op Campaigns: 

Each co-op will be separated into its own campaign. This means that all of the manufacturer's search ads will be in an individual campaign with the title of the campaign specifying that particular make. Separating the co-op campaigns allows us to:

  • Easily build the reports after the month.

  • Allocate individual budgets to particular makes.

  • Easily analyze the overall stats of an individual make.

Co-Op Budgets:

No matter what the particular management fee is for a client, we will always use 100% of the co-op budget's spend.


If a client is allocating $500 of their overall Adwords spend towards a particular co-op, the individual daily budget for that co-op campaign will be calculated as the following:
$500 / 30.4 = $16.45 daily budget

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