3. Maintenance (DS SEM)

3. Maintenance (DS SEM)

Here you'll find the tools, training, and other resources used by the Dealer Spike SEM Team to perform routine monthly tasks, as well as advanced one-off tasks

Monthly Work

SEM Specialists

  • Audit relevant account metrics to ensure consistent KPI performance
    • Clicks
    • Impressions
    • CTR
    • Conversions
    • Search Impression Share
  • Make sure the account is up to date
    • No out-of-date ad copy, unit models, no display ads older than 3 months, etc.
    • Update keyword lists, update ad copy, update ad groups, literally anything that will help the account perform better
  • Complete any client requests found in the client sheet (or otherwise communicated from the Account Managers)
    • Monitor Teams and Outlook (email for) additional client requests from the Account Managers
  • Complete any QA corrections
  • Add call notes for any recent work completed
  • Perform "as needed" tasks:
    • Adding negative keywords
    • Creating / removing bid adjustments
    • Audit location targeting
    • Checking account performance by Date and Time
    • Keyword, search term, and ad copy audits

Monthly Work Resources


SEM Specialists

  • Ensuring the budget is input correctly and pacing correctly 
  • Ensure the ads, ad copy, keyword lists, etc., are all relevant to the account
    • Especially if applied to a Blueprint (can generate irrelevant terms, overly broad terms, etc.,)
  • Double check that all account changes are being applied correctly and Fluency is not overriding your changes

Addendums (Budget Changes)

Account Managers

Using call notes from the SEM Specialist an Account Manager will:

  • Propose an Addendum (budget change) to the client based on the recommendation of the SEM Specialist
  • Send signed Addendums to Accounting
  • Inform the SEM Specialist of a client wanting to change their budget (at present through the client sheet, Teams, or email)

SEM Specialists

  • Monitor a client's SEM campaign for potential budget adjustments (reallocation, increase, decrease) and inform Account Manager with a client breakdown explaining proposed changes and projected benefits for the AM to present to the dealer
  • Reach out to Account Managers regarding the status of in-progress Addendums (budget changes), budget breakdowns, etc.
  • Update the client sheet with the date of the confirmed budget change (Addendum) in the "Work Done" column

Addendum Resources

Advanced Tasks

SEM Specialist

For those clients who've been an SEM customer for longer periods of time, 12 months or even longer, it is essential we go above and beyond in order to deliver continued results and retain their business. Be sure to complete the following:

  • Check that the location targeting is accurate and reflects your clients' goals
    • Check in with the Account Manager to make sure the current location goals are accurate
  • Check and ensure all conversions are tracking correctly
  • Check and ensure all keyword lists are accurate, and spending correctly
    • Not spending too much money on one specific keyword
  • Monitor industry trends for potential changes needed to the account
    • For example, currently there is a lot of variation with search terms due to COVID-19 (more people at home but fewer searches for luxury items)
  • Update older display ads
  • Update older ad copy, anything older than 4 months.
    • Don't nuke it all and start over, but update or freshen up the ad copy, make it look newer, different
  • Monitor Google search volume for keywords we're bidding on for seasonal trends
  • Monitor for any changes made to Google Ads
    • Changes in the algorithm, changes in extensions,  etc.

Once you've completed the 3. Maintenance (DS SEM) phase of the Dealer Spike SEM Project Life Cycle, it's time to move on to 4. Reporting (DS SEM) !

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