Logo Bar Component

ARI Responsive Websites

Logo Bar Component

This component allows additional configurations to be selected in order to tailor what displays on the site.


Configuration Options:

  • Number of logos to display at a time - choose between 1 and 8 or Auto
  • Automatically rotate checkbox - if checked, logos will automatically rotate in and out if there are more than can be displayed at once
  • Use top brands checkbox - If checked, most popular brands by ARI ranking algorithm will be displayed. If unchecked, the ability to configure manually which logos appear becomes available.
    • This also allows for uploading of custom logos for which they may not have actual catalogs on for.
    • Logo Name - If the logo name matches a brand in our system, link and image will be automatically populated
    • URL - link where the user should be taken if the logo is clicked on
    • Logo Image - image that should be displayed in the logo bar

Component Screenshot

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