Business Information Component

ARI Responsive Websites

Business Information Component

The Business Information component renders store specific details into any and all areas of the web site. For each instance of the component that is enabled, a user can choose one of the following items to display:

  1. Address Preformatted - Stacked
  2. Address Preformatted - Horizontal
  3. Address Preformatted - Horizontal with Vertical Bar Separators
  4. Location Name
  5. Street Address 1
  6. Street Address 2
  7. City
  8. Region
  9. Country
  10. Postal Code
  11. Telephone
  12. Toll-Free
  13. Fax
  14. Toll-Free Fax
  15. Email Address
  16. Social Media Icons
  17. Store Photo
  18. Slogan/Free Text Field
  19. Logo

Submitting an Update to get the component enabled

  1. If you do not have Administrator access to Admin > Accounts within the ARI CMS, please submit an email request to updates@arinet.com to have a new instance of the Business Information component turned on.
  2. Include your business name, contact info, the pages that should have the component, and which of the component options should be enabled.

Enabling the Component and Adding it to Pages

  1. If you have Super Administrator access in the ARI CMS, go to Admin > Account > Components
  2. Select Active Components, scroll down to an instance of the Business Information component and select + Add Another.
    1. If the Business Information component is not displaying under Active Components, select Inactive Components and turn it on there. If it does not display under Inactive Components, please submit an email request to updates@arinet.com to have the component added to your library.
  3. Click the gear icon to go to settings
  4. Optional: Enter a Component Title
  5. Set the Page Rules for the component
  6. Set the Section Rules for the component
  7. Choose the content that you wish to display. Save. 
  8. Go to Admin > Account > Rows
  9. Select the page template to whcih the component should be applied. Choose Index Theme for the Home page, and Default Theme for all other pages.
  10. Add the component to a row within a section in the template
  11. Publish changes