AddThis Component

ARI Responsive Websites

AddThis Component

The AddThis component is for businesses that have an AddThis social media account. When an account ID number is entered into "Integrations > Social Media > AddThis" enabled, the AddThis social media toolbar will display on your website.

Submitting an Update to get the component enabled

  1. If you do not have Administrator access to Admin > Accounts within the ARI CMS, please submit an email request to updates@arinet.com to have the component turned on. Include your AddThis ID, business name and contact info.

Enabling the Component

  1. If you have Administrator access in the ARI CMS, go to Admin > Account > Components
  2. Select Inactive Components. If the AddThis component is not displaying there, please submit an email request to updates@arinet.com to have the component added to your library.
  3. Enable the component

Inputting the AddThis ID to complete the integration

  1. Go to Integrations
  2. Under Type, select Social Media. Under System, select AddThis
  3. In the field labelled PubID, enter the AddThis ID
  4. Publish changes.