Tool: Type of Content Checklist (WIP)

Tool: Type of Content Checklist (WIP)

While there are requirements that apply to every piece of content we create, there are also requirements that apply to specific pieces of content we create:

Mentions dealership name, dealership physical location(s), and dealership target location(s).
Uses proper formatting:

# Title of the Piece

## Header A

## Header B

## Header C

Includes Title Tag, Tag, Category, Meta Description at the top of the document for Juniper (example)

How To: Write Title Tags and Meta Description

For Tag and Category, follow that topic’s pre-selected entry in the Rewrite Index. For Example:

Rewrite Entry



Rewrite Entry



Powersports - Buying Guide


Buying a Powersports Vehicle

Youth ATV - Riding Benefits


Riding a Powersports Vehicle

ATV - Customization Guide


Upgrading a Powersports Vehicle

Mentions dealership name, dealership physical location(s), and dealership target location(s).
Uses proper formatting:

## Title of the Pagefooter

### Header A

### Header B

### Header C

(The rep-created Feature Banner will be the page’s # Title of the Piece)

Provide information about the dealership, using the dealer’s website and OF Chatter Dealer Info as a resource
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the introduction paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the conclusion paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one header
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one paragraph
Uses proper formatting

# Title of the Piece (Include Dealer’s Name)

## Header A

## Header B

## Header C

Provide information about the dealership, using the dealer’s website and OF Chatter Dealer Info as a resource
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the introduction paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the conclusion paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one header
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one paragraph
Provide information about the dealership, using the dealer’s website and OF Chatter Dealer Info as a resource
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the introduction paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical and target locations in the conclusion paragraph
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one header
Mention the dealer’s physical or target location in at least one paragraph

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