SEO Training Plan/Tracker

SEO Training Plan/Tracker

New Hire Training Modules

Follow these modules in order to complete the training process for becoming a productive and high-functioning SEO Specialist.

Training Schedule

Week 1

Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to teach new employees about LeadVenture and help them form connections with Leadership personnel.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. You will learn how SEO fits within the company by reviewing course materials, as well as discover who key people are within the SEO team. Reach out to the Trainer with any questions.

New Hire Information

This step is ONLY for Team Leads/Managers

Send the following information to the Digital Marketing Operations Coordinator when a new hire is brought on:

  • Start Date

  • Name

  • Position

  • Manager

  • Company

  • Email Address

  • Country

LeadVenture SEO Team

As you join the team, there are key people to get in touch with or who will reach out to you:

Use this list in order of role as your escalation path, meaning ask a senior rep, if they don’t know, escalate.

Senior Reps:

  • Isabelle Lavery

  • Kyle Sharrer

  • Makayla Olson

  • Ryan Kelner


  • Grant Gooch


  • Lance Shroyer

You will work alongside these team members in various capacities, but they all can provide valuable insight and expertise in performing SEO.

For any questions, feel welcome to reach out according to the chain of command.

About the Company

Review how SEO plays an integral role within LeadVenture:

Important Note

While this LMS Course covers Dealer Spike workflow, it can also be applied to ARI. No matter which LeadVenture brand you are employed by, please review this course to learn about general company proceedings.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to help onboard new hires to the essential tools we use daily.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will read the provided instructions for setting up your account within our tools and the Trainer will grant you access to any tools you can not set up yourself.

LeadVenture Tools Setup

There are several initial and essential tools to set up for company organization. Please refer to the following instuctions for some of our major setups, which include LeadVenture Intranet, Passwordstate, ADP, VPN, SalesForce, Confluence, RingCentral, and Bonusly.

SEO Tools Setup

There are several SEO team tools you need to set up initially in order to complete daily tasks for your client campaigns. These tools include AccuRanker, and Notepad++ ( Dealer Spike-specific).


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to provide new employees with essential messaging tools, professional workplace etiquette tips, and valuable SEO news outlets.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will review the following materials to become a high-functioning team member and set up/learn important tools for communication. The Trainer will assist with the setup for any tools that require login credentials/access. Once finished, notify the Trainer and move on to the next module.

Tools Setup

Chrome, Outlook, and Teams Setup

Google Chrome, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Teams all play a vital role within our organization. In order to set up profiles for each platform, follow the course directions in the Profiles Setup module:

Remote Working Best Practices and Etiquette

When working remotely, you should display the following qualities and traits:

  • Professionalism: As a representative of LeadVenture, culturing a positive and expert reputation is crucial for interdepartmental and client communication. Avoiding the use of emojis and casual slang helps you remain professional and be on task.

  • Punctuality: Fast response times to client and interdepartmental communication helps you be accountable and provide answers in an efficient manner. The expectation for responding to questions and requests is within 24 hours.

You represent LeadVenture in any form of communication, so developing proper work habits when working from home is important for being a high-functioning and productive team member.

SEO News Outlets

Search engines are constantly adapting and refining their search parameters to meet user needs. That means SEO practices and strategies can change in a couple of months' time. Keeping up-to-date with the latest SEO news can help you stay ahead of the curve with major updates that affect the way we optimize our client websites.

The best way to keep your finger on the pulse of SEO is to bookmark credible SEO news outlets. Checking these sources daily is a good habit to develop on your way to becoming a fully informed SEO Specialist.

There are more SEO news media out there that you can add to your bookmark bar. However, make sure they are a trustworthy source of information before you read any articles.

Useful Tip

Find useful information that you think would benefit the SEO team to know? You can share any valuable articles you find in our Microsoft Teams chat!


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to help you learn the basic principles and concepts of SEO.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. If you need assistance, please contact the Trainer. Once you have finished the final exam, the Trainer will assign your next module.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just LeadVenture-specific.

In these readings, you will learn:

  • What is Search Engine Optimization?

  • How do search engines work?

  • What SEO practices should you adhere to?

What is SEO?

Follow the What is SEO? module to learn about the basic concepts and principles of SEO for the entire industry:


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

What SEO Looks Like at LeadVenture

Learn how LeadVenture approaches SEO by learning platform-specific practices and methods:

Knowledge Check

You will need to work through the full course and pass the knowledge checks along the way. It is a fairly basic course that will cover the basics of SEO in a general way. This is meant to ensure you have a good foundation on which to build.

Our most up-to-date SEO fundamentals guide. - SEO Fundamentals 2024

Further Reading

Expand on the knowledge you learned during this module by reviewing this additional reading.


Week 2

  • Practice

    • Work with 1 Senior Rep to complete 10 SRPs optimizations

    • Getting real time feedback after each page is completed

  • Practice

    • Work with multiple team members to complete 3 SRPs per Rep

    • Getting feedback after each Reps 3 pages are completed

Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to aid your understanding of keywords and how to correctly identify, analyze, and incorporate them on-site.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will read through the provided resources, as well as attend trainings to demonstrate how to put what you’ve learned into practice. Once you have displayed an understanding of how to perform and utilize keyword research, you will complete a knowledge test. The Trainer will then assign you a new module to complete.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

In these readings, you will learn:

  • What are keywords?

  • What is keyword research?

  • Why do we conduct keyword research?

  • How do we conduct keyword research?

  • When do we conduct keyword research?

  • Who is keyword research aimed at?

Keywords & SEO

Follow the How to Use Keywords module to learn the value of proper keyword research and analysis:


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

Utilizing Keyword Research Tools

Follow the LeadVenture Keyword Research Process module to learn how to perform keyword research with the our tools:

  • Module: Covered By Trainer - Guided with Recording

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of keywords and keyword research by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Mangools Keyword Research Test

  • Knowledge Check: Keyword Research Practice

    • Create a seed list, run it through Keyword Planner, then group it in a spreadsheet for the Trainer to review.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to learn how to perform on-page optimization while also adhering to current best SEO practices.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will read through the provided resources, as well as attend trainings to demonstrate how to put what you’ve learned into practice. Once you have displayed an understanding of creating SEO content for all on-page elements, you will complete a knowledge check. The Trainer will then assign you a new module to complete.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

In these readings, you will learn:

  • What is SEO content?

  • How to format SEO content.

  • How to sculpt content around keywords.

  • What on-page elements need keyword-rich content.

  • How search engines crawl SEO content.

SEO Content

Follow the SEO Content module to learn about holistic SEO practices when it comes to optimizing on-page content:


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

LeadVenture On-Site Optimization

Learn how to post the optimized content you write on the LeadVenture platform by following the LeadVenture On-Site Optimization module. By learning the process for accessing the editable fields to add our content to, we can ensure the content appears on the client website:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of SEO content and on-site optimization by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Content Writing Practice

    • Assist teammates in writing H1, title tag, meta description, and featuredbanner content for their websites. The Trainer will review the content before it is posted.


Week 3

Module Purpose

This module aims to show how to establish and maintain an optimized internal link structure.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will read through the provided resources, as well as attend trainings to demonstrate how to put what you’ve learned into practice. Once you have displayed an understanding of proper link structure, you will complete a test. The Trainer will then assign you a new module to complete.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

In these readings, you will learn:

  • What are internal links?

  • The value of interlinking webpages.

  • How search engines understand internal link structures.

  • How to build an internal link structure.

Internal Linking

Learn the process for creating an optimized internal link structure and the value it adds to a website by following the Internal Linking module:


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

LeadVenture Internal Link Structures

Follow the LeadVenture Link Structures module to learn how to plan and execute an internal link structure on the LeadVenture platform:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of optimized link structures by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Visual Link Structure Practice

  • Knowledge Check: Link Structure Building Practice

    • Demonstrate your knowledge by building out a link structure for a live website for the Trainer to review.

Further reading

Expand on the knowledge you learned during this module by reviewing this additional reading.


  • Onsite work practice.

Week 4

Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to aid your understanding of how to develop an SEO strategy for long-term organic growth within a 7-month campaign plan.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. Review the resources to understand how to set campaign goals to use as a strategy for a customer website, then demonstrate your understanding by completing the knowledge check at the end of the module. Please reach out to the Trainer with any questions.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

SEO Campaign Planning

In these readings, you will learn:

  • How to set goals for an SEO campaign.

  • How to formulate a clear and concise SEO strategy.

  • How to identify keyword focuses, month-to-month.

  • How seasonal search trends affect monthly focuses.

Setting SEO Goals

SEO Campaign Strategizing

Knowing Seasonality


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

7-Month SEO Campaign Plan

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of how to establish an SEO campaign plan by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Campaign Planning Practice

    • Strategize campaign plans for several different verticals (Powersports, RVs, Marine, etc) for a customer in the first month of their SEO campaign for the Trainer to review.


Further Reading

Expand on the knowledge you learned during this module by reviewing this additional reading.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to demonstrate how to maintain direction and strategy throughout a customer’s SEO campaign.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. You will review the following information to gain an understanding of how to provide ongoing maintenance to a customer’s SEO campaign plan, month-over-month.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

Maintaining the SEO Value of a Campaign

SEO Audits

  • Learn the purpose and value of an SEO audit:

    • Read: Backlinko: SEO Audit Checklist

      • Understand the importance of each step within this resource and how it plays into the monthly maintenance of a campaign plan.

  • Learn how to approach an SEO audit as it relates to the customer:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of providing maintenance for an SEO campaign by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Audit Practice

    • Help maintain a website by auditing an assigned website. Check link structure, keywords, content, locations, images, page load speed, and more to ensure the website functionality and SEO value is optimal.


  • Campaign Planning

  • FWD Formatting

Week 5

  • TBD

Week 6

  • TBD



Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to guide you through finding and adding information to the client sheet.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. You will review the essential tabs we use within the client sheet in order to learn how to format and record completed monthly tasks, as well as gather client account information. Once you have reviewed the following sections, you will meet with the Trainer to walk through each tab.

Client Sheet Overview

The client sheet is hosted on the Google Sheets application and houses basic customer account information. It also acts as a shared workspace for digital marketing representatives to create, update, and modify spreadsheets to reflect campaign goals, objectives, and results.

There are several tabs on the client sheet that you need to be aware of in order to perform your work as an SEO Specialist. Continue reading on to learn about these tabs and their functions in our day-to-day workflow.

Client Sheet Tabs

Follow the Client Sheet Tabs module to learn which tabs SEO Specialists are involved with and the purpose of those tabs:


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to the content request process in the Trello workspace to reach total fulfillment of our customer packages.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided and part Trainer-assisted. You will review the following information and attend several trainings on how to navigate the SEO Content Staging board workspace, as well as how to request content for your clients.


The following information will outline:

  • What is a content request?

  • How much additional content does a customer receive?

  • What are the different types of content we can request?

  • What is the process for requesting content?

Content Request Process

Review the Content Request Process module to learn about the process of requesting additional content for clients based on their SEO package:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of the content request process by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: Content Request Practice

    • Complete content requests for old packages - provided by SEO teammates and reviewed by the Trainer.

    • Complete content requests for new packages - provided by SEO teammates and reviewed by the Trainer.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to help your understanding of the QA process on Trello.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will review the following information and attend trainings to learn how to perform corrections based on the feedback given by the QA team.


Quality Assurance

After you complete on-site optimization for a customer’s website in a month, a QA Specialist will evaluate the work you completed. Based on the quality and value of your work, the QA Specialist will provide feedback for you to review.

The Value of QA

QA is a valuable part of the fulfillment process of monthly customer website optimization. By performing QA, we can ensure our work is accurate, organized, and adheres to best SEO practices. When we provide quality work to a website, we can enhance the user experience and help improve rankings.

However, how do we track these corrections?

QA Process

A column on the QA Trello board will be created for you that will house each one of your customer cards. These cards will allow the QA team to apply labels and provide feedback for you to review.

Once their evaluation is finished, they will apply a “QA Complete” label and attach a deadline to the customer card. If there are any errors in the work you performed, the QA Specialist will comment their feedback on the card for you to review, as well as complete before the deadline. Any corrections the QA Specialist leaves on the customer card are your responsibility to make.

  • Errors can include, but are not limited to:

    • Grammatical mistakes.

    • Missing manufacturer trademarks.

    • Broken hyperlinks.

    • Formatting issues.

    • Incorrect keyword-to-page subject matter usage.

Routinely check your column on the QA Trello board to make corrections by their deadlines.

Further Information

For further information, refer to the Checking & Making QA Corrections SOP to learn the process for correcting QA errors:

QA Trello Board

Access the QA Trello board to find feedback and perform any corrections to your work:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of the QA process by completing the knowledge check below.

  • Knowledge Check: QA Corrections Practice

    • Perform corrections based on QA feedback for a customer while the Trainer observes.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to aid your understanding of how to propose YouTube video focuses for relevant SEO packages.

Module Guide

This module is self-guided. Review the process for requesting YouTube video focuses for our Juniper team to create and post. Reach out the to the Trainer with any questions or clarification.

YouTube Videos

As a part of our old SEO Platinum packages (occasionally other old package customers will buy YouTube optimization services at an a la carte price), you must request YouTube topics to be created and posted to their YouTube channel by our Juniper team.

The Value of YouTube

  • Learn how YouTube videos and YouTube channel optimization can help improve a website’s search presence:

Important Note:

For complete optimization of a YouTube video (i.e., optimizing for title tag, meta description, video title, and video description), our Juniper team is largely responsible for creating the necessary fields.

As an SEO Specialist, you only need to determine a video topic based on keyword research to relay to the Juniper team.

Determining a Keyword Focus

When you request a YouTube video, be sure that it reflects that month’s focus (i.e., if the month’s focus is touring motorcycles, be sure to request a YouTube video that focuses on one of the touring motorcycles that is in the dealership’s inventory).

As long as our Juniper team can find a resource to pull information from (images and inventory details directly from the dealership website), a video can be compiled to post on the customer’s YouTube channel.

Requesting YouTube Content in the WDI Tab

Make your request in this column of the client sheet. You must be sure it coincides with the month of focus row as well.

Your request should include the specific unit name, which you can copy from the website.

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of how to request YouTube videos by completing the knowledge check below.

  • Knowledge Check: Request YouTube Content

    • Request a YouTube video topic in the customer’s WDI tab of the client sheet while the Trainer observes.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to provide the initial setup procedure for a customer in the first month of their SEO campaign.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will review the process for platform-specific setup instructions and what first-month optimization looks like for customers.



The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

First Month Process

Follow the First Month Process module to learn about how to perform SEO for a client in the first month of their campaign:

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of providing maintenance for an SEO campaign by completing the knowledge checks below.

  • Knowledge Check: First-Month Optimization Practice

    • Complete all SEO tasks for a first-month client while the Trainer observes.


Further Reading


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to tools that allow SEO Specialists to study user interaction with customer websites to make informed decisions on their SEO campaigns. These tools are Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. Review the information to successfully be able to navigate Google Search Console and Google Analytics to make data-driven decisions, as well as gain an understanding of Google Tag Manager and how it functions alongside these tools. Complete the Knowledge Check at the end of this module before the Trainer assigns you the next assignment.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

Google Applications

In these readings, you will learn:

  • What is Google Search Console?

  • What is Google Analytics?

  • What is Google Tag Manager?

  • How do these tools help us perform SEO?

Google Applications Setup

The Juniper team is largely responsible for the setup of Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager accounts for each customer website. It is the SEO Specialist’s responsibility to track and monitor the metrics of each tool.

Google Search Console

  • Learn what Google Search Console (GSC) is and the metrics it provides to help us understand the effects of our optimizations on website performance:

  • Learn how to submit a webpage to Google for indexing:

Google Analytics 4

Learn what Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is and how the metrics it tracks provide us insight into customer website performance. Please use this link to find the GA4 Skillshop courses.

Important Note

When each Post-Self-Assessment is complete, take a screenshot of the progress bar to send to your Team Lead.

SEO Reps and Senior Reps

Take the following Beginner courses and complete the Post-Self-Assessment at the end of each course:

  • Course 1: Get Started using Google Analytics

  • Course 2: Use Google Analytics for Your Business

  • Course 3: Measure Your Marketing with Google Analytics

Senior Reps ONLY

Take the following Intermediate courses and complete the GA4 certification exam:

  • Course 4: Go Further with Your Google Analytics Data

  • Course 5: Google Analytics Certification

Google Tag Manager

  • Learn what Google Tag Manager (GTM) is and how it allows us to track the information that’s gathered from GSC and GA:

    • Read: Semrush: What is Google Tag Manager?

      • Read sections:

        • What is Google Tag Manager?

        • How Does Google Tag Manager Work?

        • Benefits of Google Tag Manager

        • Google Tag Manager vs Google Analytics


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console

  • Learn about the level of information you can obtain from both GSC and GA:

Google Tag Manager

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of Google Analytics by completing the knowledge check below.

  • Knowledge Check: Google Analytics Course

    • Follow the Google Analytics course and complete each assessment at the end of the units.

    • Once you have completed each assessment, send your Google Analytics certification to the Trainer.


Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to explain the process of reporting on SEO performance for customer websites.

Module Guide

This module is part self-guided, part Trainer-assisted. You will review the materials to understand how to build a report and what metrics should be included before being tested on the reporting process. Once the resources have been read and you have passed the knowledge check, you will have completed the modules training and have become a self-sufficient SEO Specialist.


External Training Resources

The following readings are from external sources to aid in your understanding of holistic SEO; not just platform-specific.

Reporting on SEO Performance

In these readings, you will learn:

  • How to report on SEO performance.

  • What metrics are pulled onto SEO reports.

  • What does each metric mean?

  • What is the source for each metric?

  • How to provide insight that is useful to the customer.

Report Calls

Account Managers (AMs) are responsible for reviewing SEO reports with customers. However, as SEO Specialists, it is important to understand the data we report on. There might be instances where you will need to join a call with a client to discuss the report.

By learning about the reporting process, you can dive deeper into a customer’s campaign in order to provide better insight and analysis.

Creating Reports and Establishing Value

  • Learn how and why we report on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to customers:

    • Read Chapter 1: Moz: Reporting 101

      • Learning to think of SEO reports as “telling a story” about SEO campaign performance.

      • Reporting on SEO data should be S.M.A.R.T.

What are Essential Metrics to Report On?

  • Learn how to compile the most useful data to deliver to customers:


NinjaCat is our data management for compiling SEO performance data into a report to send to clients. It pulls the data from three different areas; the Work Done Import tab, DS Import tab, and the Client Tracker.

NinjaCat Access

You will need login credentials to access the accounts within NinjaCat.

NinjaCat Reporting

Our Juniper team is largely responsible for generating the reports within NinjaCat. However, familiarizing yourself with the format of the report will help you gain an understanding of why we format the Work Done Import tab the way we do.

Client Tracker

As previously mentioned above, the Client Tracker is used in reporting. We will occasionally need to access the Tracker in order to update details within it to aid the reporting process. Specifically, we need to ensure that the ID numbers for both the client sheet and SEOmonitor account for each client are there and accurate.

Important Note

You will need to have access to the Client Tracker in order to view the information within it.

Having both ID numbers in the Client Tracker allows our tools to pull the correct data into the correct spots.

Where to Add IDs in Client Tracker

SEOmonitor ID Location (Numbers Between the “/ /”)

Client Sheet ID Location (Characters Between “/ /")


The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and meetings help aid your understanding of keyword research from internal documentation and virtual trainings.

Reporting with Work Done Import Tab

Adding all our completed monthly tasks for a client in the Work Done Import (WDI) tab ensures all the data is included in the report. However, you must also ensure the information in the WDI tab is formatted correctly so that when it is pulled onto the report, it is presentable, accurate, and organized.

Rows must be created to include all aspects of our monthly tasks. This includes rows for:

  • On-Site Optimization focus (what page(s) you worked on).

  • Content Focus (blog articles, YouTube videos, etc.).

WDI Tab Example:

WDI Reporting Format Demonstration

Reach out to the Trainer to schedule a visual demonstration on how to format the WDI tab for SEO reporting.


Learn the tools and processes involved in compiling data to generate SEO reports:

Report Call Script

When Account Managers perform a report call with a client, they use a Report Call Script to more effectively communicate results. This provides more meaningful insight for clients, which can lead to more productive conversations.

While Account Managers handle the majority of contact with clients, there are instances when the SEO rep will need to join a report call to talk about the report. For these cases, it is important to understand the format and data of the reports. Please review the Report Call Script from the Client Solutions (CS) resources to aid your understanding about reporting calls:

5.0 Report Differences

Understanding the difference between the 4.1 reports and the 5.0 reports is important for being able to communicate reporting data. Review the 5.0 and 4.1 SEO reports, as well as the Report Differences document to aid your understanding about report sources and formatting:

  • Review: Previous 4.1 Report Version

  • Review: New 5.0 Report Version

  • Review: Report Differences Guide

Knowledge Check

Demonstrate your understanding of Google Analytics by completing the knowledge check below.

  • Knowledge Check: Creating a Report Practice

    • Format the Work Done Import tab of a client correctly, then navigate to NinjaCat to generate the report while the Trainer observes.

  • Knowledge Check: Report Metrics Breakdown

    • Accurately explain each metric of a pre-selected report and the source of where that data comes from.


Further Reading

Expand on the knowledge you learned during this module by reviewing this additional reading.


Add label

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