How to Create and Publish Blog Posts

ARI Responsive Websites

How to Create and Publish Blog Posts

See Blog Tool for an overview of this feature.

ARI’s Blog Feature is available to dealers upon request, as it’s a feature that must first be enabled. Please speak with your Customer Success representative to have this enabled.

Users can create and post blog articles to your ARI Responsive Website, so that you can continuously engage your online audience with information about your business, industry, or other topics that are important to your customer base.

Posting a Blog Article

  1. In order to use the Blog tool on an ARI Responsive Website account, you must have one of the following user roles

    1. Dealer – Admin

    2. Dealer - Blog Editor

  2. Go to the Account page, and select the Editors link

  3. Click the Content link on the Blog app that’s labeled with your ARI Facility ID

  4. Click Content > Blog Editor. If there are pre-existing articles, they will display in a list and they can be edited by clicking on them.

  5. To add a new article, select + New.

  6. Enter the following blog data as follows:

    1. Post Title (required): This value is used as the H1 for the article

    2. HTML Title: If entered, this value replaces the default HTML title for the page

    3. Slug (required): Copy/paste the Post Title as the slug

    4. Full Text: Enter the full text and image content for the article via the embedded WYSIWYG editor

    5. Short Description (required): Enter the article teaser description that displays on the blog list page

    6. Featured Image: Drag and drop the primary blog image here. Maximum of 1.

    7. Alternate tag: Custom Alt tag for featured image

    8. Meta Description: If entered, this value replaces the default Meta Description for the page

    9. Meta Keywords: If entered, this value replaces the default Meta Keywords for the page

    10. Category: Enter a category for the article

    11. Tags: Enter zero to many tags for the blog post

    12. Author: Enter the post author

    13. Date Display: Select a display date. If the entry is set to a future date, the post will not display on storefront until that date arrives.

  7. Select Save and Publish if your intent is to post the article without any changes. Otherwise, select Save to put the post in Draft status.

  8. Posts on the primary Blog page (/blog) will be listed by publication date, from newest to oldest.



Example: Blog List Page


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