SEO Content Component Setup (ARI)

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.


The SEO Content component is not included by default in all ARI websites but it is needed by all ARI SEO clients.



  • ARI-CMS account

  • Website URL/Internal ARI ID


  • Go to to log into your ARI CMS account.

  • On the homepage paste the website URL into the Search Box

    • If the CMS won’t let you open that account try with the internal ID for the website.

  • Access the Component Configuration section.

At the top of the component configuration page you’ll find a hyperlink to the ARI component store, to buy a component:

  • Click on the marketplace link to access the component store. Here, pick the component list of available items.

  • Ctrl + F the word SEO to get the SEO Content component. Add it to the cart and complete the buy by going to the account’s cart in the top right.

  • Once bought, this component will become available in the component list section. Add an instance and name it SEO Featured Banners & Pagefooters.

SEO Component and instance added.


  • Navigate to the Layouts config page and go to the internal layouts option.

  • In the internal layout look for the Main content section, one of the elements is called “Individual components Below Page Assets”, open and it and add the new “SEO Featured Banners & Pagefooters”component we created as a new element.



  • SEO Component inserted into site ready to config monthly SEO optimizations.

