Hours of Operation

ARI Responsive Websites

Hours of Operation

To easily and consistently display your hours of operation (store hours, service hours, etc.) on your website, follow these steps.

Adding/Editing Hours of Operation

  1. Go to Sturctured Content > Hours of Operation

  2. Click the New Group button to add a new group or click the Edit button to work with a group that you have previously created.
    1. If you have multiple locations for your account, you will see each of them listed on this screen first. Click the Edit button for the location you wish to work with to move to the groups page.

  3. Once in a group, click the New Hours button to add a new line or click Edit on an existing item.

  4. Fill out the fields of information, check the Active box, and click Publish Changes.


Add multiple groups to make it easier for your customers to find store vs. service hours. Combine days of the week in one line to save room on your site in the places that you choose to display your hours.

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