Finance Form
ARI Responsive Websites
Finance Form
The Finance Form page and form are enabled on websites by default. The page URL is .../financing
- Component: Secure Lead Component
- Page URL: .../financing
Configuration Settings
Form Display
Page Rules: Displays only on Finance page by default. This can be customized to show on other pages.
Section Rules: Displays in Main Content page section.
Form Settings:
- Custom Form Title: Optional field to display a custom title for the form
- Form Message: Optional message to display at the top of the form
- Submit Button Text: The text label used on the Submit button. The default value is Submit
- Wrap form in border: This option adds a border around the form
- Form Width: This sets the display width of the form for desktop users. Options are Narrow, Medium, and Full
- Form Alignment: This sets the alignment of the form elements for desktop users. Options are Left, Center, and Right
Global Settings: These settings are shared across all instances of lead forms across your website.
Show "Receive Offers" checkbox: "On" by default
- Displays the opt-in check box for email marketing messages, with a label of "Receive Offers"
Configuration Settings - Screenshot
Page: Finance Form (.../financing)
Form Fields (Display Order)
- Location: If your account is configured for multiple store locations, this field will display to allow the user to select the location that applies to them.
- Full Name (Required)
- Your Address (Required)
- Your Address - Line 2
- City (Required)
- Country (Required)
- State/Region (Required)
- Postal Code (Required)
- Number of years at current residence (Drop Down Selection) (Required)
- Over 3 Years
- 2-3 Years
- 1-2 years
- Less than 1 Year
- Phone (Required)
- Email (Required)
- Your Birthdate (Required)
- Marital Status (Radio Selection) (Required)
- Single
- Married
- Individual or Joint Application (Radio Selection) (Required)
- Individual
- Joint
- Joint Applicant's Name (Required if answer to #14 is b., otherwise hidden)
- Relationship (Required if answer to #14 is b., otherwise hidden)
- Accept Privacy Agreement: (Check Box Selection) (Required)
- Are you self-employed? (Radio Selection) (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Gross Monthly Income (Pre-tax) (Required)
- Employer Name (Required)
- Occupation (Required)
- Employer Phone (Required)
- Employer Address (Required)
- Employer Address - Line 2
- Employer City (Required)
- Employer Country (Required)
- Employer State/Region (Required)
- Employer Postal Code (Required)
- Number of years with this employer (Required)
- Over 3 Years
- 2-3 Years
- 1-2 years
- Less than 1 Year
- Previous Employer Name (Required)
- Previous Occupation (Required)
- Previous Employer Phone (Required)
- Previous Employer Address (Required)
- Previous Employer Address - Line 2
- Previous Employer City (Required)
- Previous Employer Country (Required)
- Previous Employer State/Region (Required)
- Previous Employer Postal Code (Required)
- Number of years with this employer (Required)
- Over 3 Years
- 2-3 Years
- 1-2 years
- Less than 1 Year
- Cash Down Payment (Required)
- Do you have a checking account? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Bank Name (for checking account) (Required if answer to #41 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Do you have a savings account? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Bank Name (for savings account) (Required if answer to #43 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Do you have additional sources of income? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Income Source (Required if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Amount (Monthly) (Required if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Other Income Source (Optional if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Amount (Monthly) (Optional if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Residential Status (Drop Down Selection) (Required)
- Own
- Rent
- Military
- Other
- Mortgage Lender (Required if answer to #50 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Monthly Mortgage Payment (Required if answer to #50 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Landlord (Required if answer to #50 is b., otherwise hidden)
- Monthly Rent Payment (Required if answer to #50 is b., otherwise hidden)
- Other total monthly loan payments (car loans, credit cards, etc.) (Required)
- Have you been the subject or are currently the subject of bankruptcy proceedings? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Please explain (Required if answer to #56 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Have you ever had a vehicle repossessed? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Please explain (Required if answer to #58 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Do you have any judgments or liens against you? (Required)
- Yes
- No
- Please explain (Required if answer to #60 is a., otherwise hidden)
- Reference Full Name (Required)
- Reference Relationship (Required)
- Reference Phone (Required)
- Reference Address (Required)
- Reference Address - Line 2
- Reference City (Required)
- Reference Country (Required)
- Reference State/Region (Required)
- Reference Postal Code (Required)
Form Display - Screenshots
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
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