Finance Form

ARI Responsive Websites

Finance Form

The Finance Form page and form are enabled on websites by default. The page URL is .../financing

  • Component: Secure Lead Component
  • Page URL: .../financing

Configuration Settings

Form Display

Page Rules: Displays only on Finance page by default. This can be customized to show on other pages.

Section Rules: Displays in Main Content page section.

Form Settings:

  1. Custom Form Title: Optional field to display a custom title for the form
  2. Form Message: Optional message to display at the top of the form
  3. Submit Button Text: The text label used on the Submit button. The default value is Submit
  4. Wrap form in border: This option adds a border around the form
  5. Form Width: This sets the display width of the form for desktop users. Options are Narrow, Medium, and Full
  6. Form Alignment: This sets the alignment of the form elements for desktop users. Options are Left, Center, and Right

Global Settings: These settings are shared across all instances of lead forms across your website. 

  1. Show "Receive Offers" checkbox: "On" by default

    1. Displays the opt-in check box for email marketing messages, with a label of "Receive Offers"

Configuration Settings - Screenshot

Page: Finance Form (.../financing)

Form Fields (Display Order)

  1. Location: If your account is configured for multiple store locations, this field will display to allow the user to select the location that applies to them.
  2. Full Name (Required)
  3. Your Address (Required)
  4. Your Address - Line 2
  5. City (Required)
  6. Country (Required)
  7. State/Region (Required)
  8. Postal Code (Required)
  9. Number of years at current residence (Drop Down Selection) (Required)
    1. Over 3 Years
    2. 2-3 Years
    3. 1-2 years
    4. Less than 1 Year
  10. Phone (Required)
  11. Email (Required)
  12. Your Birthdate (Required)
  13. Marital Status (Radio Selection) (Required)
    1. Single
    2. Married
  14. Individual or Joint Application (Radio Selection) (Required)
    1. Individual
    2. Joint
  15. Joint Applicant's Name (Required if answer to #14 is b., otherwise hidden)
  16. Relationship (Required if answer to #14 is b., otherwise hidden)
  17. Accept Privacy Agreement: (Check Box Selection) (Required)
  18. Are you self-employed? (Radio Selection) (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  19. Gross Monthly Income (Pre-tax) (Required)
  20. Employer Name (Required)
  21. Occupation (Required)
  22. Employer Phone (Required)
  23. Employer Address (Required)
  24. Employer Address - Line 2
  25. Employer City (Required)
  26. Employer Country (Required)
  27. Employer State/Region (Required)
  28. Employer Postal Code (Required)
  29. Number of years with this employer (Required)
    1. Over 3 Years
    2. 2-3 Years
    3. 1-2 years
    4. Less than 1 Year
  30. Previous Employer Name (Required)
  31. Previous Occupation (Required)
  32. Previous Employer Phone (Required)
  33. Previous Employer Address (Required)
  34. Previous Employer Address - Line 2
  35. Previous Employer City (Required)
  36. Previous Employer Country (Required)
  37. Previous Employer State/Region (Required)
  38. Previous Employer Postal Code (Required)
  39. Number of years with this employer (Required)
    1. Over 3 Years
    2. 2-3 Years
    3. 1-2 years
    4. Less than 1 Year
  40. Cash Down Payment (Required)
  41. Do you have a checking account? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  42. Bank Name (for checking account) (Required if answer to #41 is a., otherwise hidden)
  43. Do you have a savings account? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  44. Bank Name (for savings account) (Required if answer to #43 is a., otherwise hidden)
  45. Do you have additional sources of income? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  46. Income Source (Required if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
  47. Amount (Monthly) (Required if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
  48. Other Income Source (Optional if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
  49. Amount (Monthly) (Optional if answer to #45 is a., otherwise hidden)
  50. Residential Status (Drop Down Selection) (Required)
    1. Own
    2. Rent
    3. Military
    4. Other
  51. Mortgage Lender (Required if answer to #50 is a., otherwise hidden)
  52. Monthly Mortgage Payment (Required if answer to #50 is a., otherwise hidden)
  53. Landlord (Required if answer to #50 is b., otherwise hidden)
  54. Monthly Rent Payment (Required if answer to #50 is b., otherwise hidden)
  55. Other total monthly loan payments (car loans, credit cards, etc.) (Required)
  56. Have you been the subject or are currently the subject of bankruptcy proceedings? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  57. Please explain (Required if answer to #56 is a., otherwise hidden)
  58. Have you ever had a vehicle repossessed? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  59. Please explain (Required if answer to #58 is a., otherwise hidden)
  60. Do you have any judgments or liens against you? (Required)
    1. Yes
    2. No
  61. Please explain (Required if answer to #60 is a., otherwise hidden)
  62. Reference Full Name (Required)
  63. Reference Relationship (Required)
  64. Reference Phone (Required)
  65. Reference Address (Required)
  66. Reference Address - Line 2
  67. Reference City (Required)
  68. Reference Country (Required)
  69. Reference State/Region (Required)
  70. Reference Postal Code (Required)

Form Display - Screenshots

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