Lead Spam Protection

ARI Responsive Websites

Lead Spam Protection

Ability to mark a lead as Spam

 If a spam lead does get through our spam detection system, users have the ability to mark or unmark a lead as spam. To do so, access the lead detailed page for that specific lead, and under the info section, check the “Lead is Spam” category, accordingly. Once finished, hit update and that lead will be marked as spam.  

Note: When a lead is marked as spam, it will not appear on the Leads page. However, if you wish to check which leads are currently marked as spam, click the Show Spam Leads category followed by Search Leads.  


 Ability to block specific email addresses

This lead spam protection feature gives you the ability to block a specific email address that could be submitting spam leads. To block an email address, access a lead submitted by that address and check the box, “Email is Spam”.  Next, click update, and all future leads submitted by this email address will be marked as spam.  


Spam Detection System

When the Spam Detection System is enabled via the Lead Form component settings in the Global Lead Forms Settings section, the following spam protection mechanisms occur:

Honeypot Protection

In the already existing technology, when a lead is submitted, a honeypot test will occur automatically. If the honeypot test is failed, and the spam detection system is enabled, then the lead will be flagged as spam.

Referring URL Protection

In new a feature for the Spam Detection System, if a lead is submitted and the referring URL is different than the main website, that lead will be marked as spam.

External Site URL Protection

If a lead is submitted on a client’s website and that lead includes an external site URL link in the message, this lead will be flagged as spam. In a situation where an internal link is included in the lead message, the system will recognize the domain and not mark that lead as spam. In a scenario where a URL within the client's website is included in the lead submission, this lead will not be marked as spam. 


Lead Frequency Protection

When greater than 300 leads are submitted from a single IP address within a 5 minute period, those leads will be marked as spam.