Trello Board Workflow (GD)

Trello Board Workflow (GD)

All graphic design work is initiated on the Digital Marketing Graphic Design Trello board. The columns on this board act as containers for Trello cards created by a Digital Marketing Specialist.


The first column on the board, Templates, holds template cards that a digital marketing representative duplicates and fills out when they would like to request an image asset. Examples of image assets are advertisements and newsletters. Information pertinent to the assets are such as the sizes required, and if they will be co-op advertising.

Department Columns

The TDA, SEM, MA, and SEO columns hold their respective department’s cards after it has been filled out. The cards in these columns have a default turnaround time of 3 days during normal operations. A Digital Marketing Graphic Designer selects a card from these columns depending on their priority and due date.

VIP Column

The VIP column is reserved for clients on the VIP Accounts list. Clients on this list are either top-tier spenders, have extreme guidelines, or simply require more attention on their work. The Senior Graphic Designer is responsible for work done in this column.

In Progress Column

Once a Digital Marketing Graphic Designer has chosen a Trello card to work on, s/he adds himself/herself to the card, and moves it to the In Progress column. This is where the card sits until the assets are complete. It serves to signify that the card has been acknowledged and work is currently being done.

Rep Fix for Designer Column

When a Digital Marketing Graphic Designer finds an error on a Trello card, or requires more information from a Digital Marketing Representative, the card in question is sent to the Rep Fix for Designers column with a comment tagging the Digital Marketing Representative and describing the issue that needs to be addressed. It is here where the initial due date is removed as the card awaits a response from a Digital Marketing Representative. Cards remaining in this column at the end of the month are considered abandoned, and are archived on the last working day of the month every month.

All QA Column

After a Digital Marketing Graphic Designer completes a card request, s/he sends the card to the All QA Column. The process applies to all cards except for those belonging to the Marketing Automation department. It is here where the Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Specialist determines if the card is able to move on for client approval. If the image assets pass the inspection, the Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Specialist moves the card to the For Review column. If the image assets require changes, the Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Specialist moves the card to the Design Changes column and tags the Digital Marketing Graphic Designer.

Design Changes Column

Cards that require revision are sent to the Design Changes column. Cards are either moved to this column by the Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Specialist after a review or the Digital Marketing Representative when a client should require further revisions. The Digital Marketing Graphic Designer who was initially responsible for the image assets generated also revises the assets according to specifications, then sends it back to either the All QA column, or the For Review column, depending on the circumstance.

For Review Column

Reserved for all completed work, the For Review column contains all finished work awaiting the next steps from a Digital Marketing Representative. Marketing Automation cards are moved here by the Digital Marketing Graphic Designer, and the rest of the cards are initially moved into this column by the Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Specialist. The cards in this column are awaiting the client’s approval, and the next steps from a Digital Marketing Representative. COMPLETED COLUMN Once cards are approved, ad campaigns are set up, and newsletters are sent out, the associated Trello card is moved to the Completed column by a Digital Marketing Representative. It means they require no further action from the Digital Marketing Graphic Designer. Cards in this column are archived daily.


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