Trailer Central - Budget Changes & Cancellations

Trailer Central - Budget Changes & Cancellations

Request Status


Request Status



The CS team has requested a change.

On Hold

The advertising team has encountered an issue with the change requested. They haven’t executed the change.


The requested change has been executed.


The service has been cancelled or has a pending cancellation.


Budget Changes

CS Team Instructions

Step 1: CS team member looks for the account (alphabetized) and changes the following of the first available row:

  • Request Status to Requested.

  • Request Date to the current date.

  • Service to the relevant service. If both services need adjustments, fill out one row for each service.

  • New Budget Amount to what the new amount will be. This is not the difference between the new and old budgets. This is the total budget.

    • Additional required step: To notify the advertising rep of the budget change, right click this dollar amount cell to add a comment and tag the advertising rep by beginning your comment with @, then the rep’s name. Check the ‘Assign to’ checkbox to assign the task to the advertising rep.

      Here, you can also state the budget breakdown and any other notes regarding the ad spend, including any delayed start dates if it is not the same as the request date.

Advertising Team Instructions

Step 2: Once notified, the advertising specialist will make appropriate budget adjustments on the relevant platforms and distribute budgets according to instructions.

Advertising Team Instructions

Step 3: The advertising specialist will return to the spreadsheet and fill out the following columns:

  • Request Status to Complete.

  • New Budget Amount Check the Resolve task checkbox of the comment assigned to the rep. The comment box will show that the task is now completed.

  • Completion Date to the current date.

  • FB (Facebook) or G (Google) - Adjust the current budget box so that it matches the New Budget Amount.

  • Notes - Leave any pertinent note regarding this particular budget change.


CS Team Instructions

  • Request Status - change to Cancelled.

  • Request Date - change to cancellation effective date. This is the final day of service.

  • Service - Select the service affected.

  • New Budget Amount - Change to $0

    • Additional required step - tag the advertising rep by right clicking the $0 cell, begin your comment with @ and start typing their name, select their name, and let them know that the client has cancelled the service.

Advertising Team Instructions

  • Request Status - Leave the status at Cancelled.

  • New Budget Amount Check the Resolve task checkbox of the comment assigned to the rep. The comment box will show that the task is now completed.

  • Row A - Change to Inactive if the entire account is inactive.

  • Completion Date to the current date.

  • FB (Facebook) or G (Google) - Adjust the current budget box so that it matches the New Budget Amount.

  • Notes - Leave any pertinent note regarding this particular budget change.

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