New Hire Training (GD)

For those just getting started, we've prepared a course to help you better understand the expectations of your job as well as how to accomplish and even exceed those expectations. Welcome to the Graphic Design team!

New Hire Training resources


  • DigMS Design Training Materials
    • This folder severely needs to be updated, but it has the basics that I can work off of. I’m thinking each of the links below will cover more in-depth, hands-on instructions.
    • General / FAQs
      • (Just ideas for myself, stop reading, Brandon!)
      • “When to kick a card back”
      • “How to name your files”
      • “Where to put your files”
      • “Tracking your work”
      • “Daily spot checks”
    • TDA
      • Display Ads
    • SEM
      • Display Ads
      • Dynamic Remarketing Ads
    • SEO
      • Reputation Management Headers
      • YouTube Assets
    • MA
      • Promotional / Events Newsletters
      • Nurture Tracks
      • (Hey, I actually have a meeting about this soon. I should take notes.)


  • Good Trello card requests vs. Bad Trello card requests
    • (Screenshots, but with important parts highlighted and notes.)
    • SEM/TDA
    • SEO
    • MA Automation
    • MA Newsletter
  • Ads that work
    • (Find ads with CTR above 0.5% and lay them out side by side.)
  • Newsletters that work
    • (Find newsletters with CTR above 0.5% and lay them out side by side.)



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