How To: Add Dealer Info to Ongoing Fulfillment Chatter

This guide covers the process of filling out the Dealer Info template. Created by Madison Garner March 2024.

The Step-by-Step Process

  1. Open the Dealer’s Ongoing Fulfillment Chatter. This is where you’ll be adding the new dealer info.

Account → Ongoing Fulfillment → Active SEO Package → Chatter


  1. Determine which old template is currently on the OF Chatter, which will affect which process you use.

The Trello Template

The Intake Call Template

The Trello Template

The Intake Call Template

Example - Template

Example of Trello Dealer Info.PNG


*This should hopefully not be the standard case for the audit. Most should be the Trello template. But including this since after the audit and moving forward, the Dealer Info template will be pulling from the client’s Intake Call form.


  1. Copy the Dealer Info Template. Paste it into the Ongoing Fulfillment Chatter as a POST, not as a comment.


  1. Fill Out the Dealer Template according to the process for Using the New Client Template or according to the process for Using the Old Trello Client Template.


  1. Delete the old OF Chatter Dealer Info post that used a different template.


  1. Update the dealer’s checkbox in the Content Update Spreadsheet

    1. (Remove after the audit process is done since this resource will then be used just for newly signed clients)

Dealer Information - Using the New Client Template

Template Section


Template Section



Located: Question 1 of Intake

This is the exact spelling from the client regarding how they want their dealership name written.

Physical Location(s)

Located: Dealer’s Account, Address Information, Physical Address section.

This is where the dealer is physically located. Be sure to write out the city and state.

This allows writers to Copy-Paste, rather than deal with decoding state abbreviations (which are harder to remember than you might think).

Target Location - Primary

Located: Question 7 of Intake

This is the most important target location for the dealer. It’s also the location that should be used when making Title Tags. Be sure to write out the city and state.

It may or may not be the same as the dealer’s physical location.

Target Location - Secondary

Located: Question 7 of Intake

Template Section

What It Is

Template Section

What It Is

Website Link

Located: Top of the Account Page

Content Folder Link


Fulfillment Work Done Link

Located: Dealer Account, then click Fulfillment Work Done

Template Section

What It Is

Template Section

What It Is


Located: Questions 5, 9, 11a iii, and 12 of Intake


Located: Question 6 of Intake

About Us Page

Located: Question 11a and 12 of Intake

Parts Page

Located: Question 11b

Service Department Page

Located: Question 11c

Dealer Information - Using the Old Trello Client Template



Example of Trello Dealer Info.PNG



Template Section


Template Section



Located: Dealership Information Section

Physical Location(s)

Located: Brick & Mortar Dealer Location(s)

Target Location - Primary

Located: Additional target locations, Primary

Target Location - Secondary

Located: Additional target locations, Secondary

Template Section

What It Is

Template Section

What It Is

Website Link

Located: URL

Content Folder Link


Fulfillment Work Done Link

Located: Dealer Account, then click Fulfillment Work Done

Template Section

What It Is

Template Section

What It Is


Simply putTBA”.


If the dealer retroactively fills out the new intake form, we can update this section accordingly.


Simply putTBA”.


If the dealer retroactively fills out the new intake form, we can update this section accordingly.

About Us Page

Located: “Any need to know information about dealership in general”, “additional services or departments”, “what sets them apart from other dealers” and “general notes” sections

Parts Page

Simply putTBA”.


If the dealer retroactively fills out the new intake form, we can update this section accordingly.

Service Department Page

Simply putTBA”.


If the dealer retroactively fills out the new intake form, we can update this section accordingly.