Client Assignment Responsibilities

Client Assignment Responsibilities

The following document details all responsibilities associated with clients assigned to specific writers. All writers have a list of assigned clients they work with every month. These lists are adjusted as needed, based on incoming clients and outgoing clients.

Assigning Clients

Clients are assigned at the beginning of every month. Assigned clients, including newly assigned ones, are all listed in the most current monthly tracker in the far right columns.

All clients are assigned with the intent to evenly distribute both the most challenging and simplest clients. If there are concerns that this isn’t happening, contact the Content Team Lead.

The Content Team Lead will tag the writer on the template card on the Staging Board. This will allow the assigned writer to be tagged on every subsequent card copied from the template card.

Note: If a writer tags themselves on a card, Trello automatically sets them to “Watch” the card, meaning they’ll receive notifications any time something changes about the card. To unwatch a card, click on the “Watch” button in the right-hand menu.

Current Assignments

All existing assignments are listed below the new assignments and the assignments to be removed under “Client List.” These will make up the bulk of a writer’s assignments from month to month.

Clients are divided based on package. All packages receiving one piece of content per month are isolated from those receiving two pieces of content per month. All clients receiving two pieces of content per month are listed with two entries to more accurately represent a writer’s workload for the month. See

VIP Clients

All VIP clients are noted with an asterisk (*). VIP clients are only assigned to Senior Content Writers. 

VIP clients are often noted by the uniqueness of their product, the amount they pay for services, or how invested they are in their content. Unless noted and discussed, they do not receive unique forms of content. 

Removing Clients

When a client leaves the platform or downgrades their package, they are removed from the assigned writer’s list. These clients are listed under “Removed” and are no longer the writer’s responsibility.

These clients will already be removed from the “Current Assigned Clients” list.

If the client’s card indicates the client has cancelled (noted in a comment), the writers must fill all available outstanding requests.

Assignment Responsibilities

Once a client is assigned to a writer, the writer is expected to maintain the following responsibilities:

Fill Content Requests

The writer’s primary responsibility is to fill content requests for the clients assigned to them. They must use their knowledge of the client and the client’s products, as well as previous content that’s been written, to provide the best possible content for that client. 

This also includes working with the assigned SEO reps to fix the assignments when needed. The writers will be required to check for duplicate content and to ensure that the product in the request is actually sold at the client’s dealership.

It is the writer’s responsibility to ensure all content for the month is filled in the event they have planned absences. Urgent, extended, unplanned absences (severe illness, bereavement, etc.) that affect a writer’s ability to complete content for all their clients can be covered with the help of fellow writers and the Content Team Lead. 

Tracking Completed Assigned Content

All content is assigned includes a checkbox next to the entry in the tracker. This checkbox feeds into a formula at the top of the column that tracks how much content each writer has completed out of 100%. When a writer completes an assigned piece, they must check off the corresponding checkbox, which will automatically adjust their percentage at the top of the column.

Update the Content History Sheet

The writer will also check the client’s corresponding Content History Sheet to ensure it matches what has been written for that client. The writer will compare what is in the client’s content folder to what is listed on the CHS and fill in any noticeable gaps. 

They will also be responsible for linking the the content folder in cell G2. 

If upon writing the first piece of content, the writer sees there is no CHS, they are also responsible for adding it to the client sheet using the original template

Manage Existing Content

The writer will also need to spend time managing the content that has already been written for the client. They will need to audit the client’s content periodically, looking for duplicates. If there is duplicate content in a client’s folder, the writer must connect with the client’s SEO rep to determine which piece of content should remain on the site and which should be submitted to Up for Grabs.

The writer is also responsible for ensuring all file names follow the official naming guidelines. All writers should follow the official guidelines as opposed to implementing their own so organization is maintained for future assigned writers.

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