Website Not Live

Website Not Live

In order to serve our customers the digital marketing products they subscribe to, we need their website to be live. When a new sale enters our DS DigMS Fulfillment Requests report, we want to make sure that digital marketing team members only receive tasks for clients with websites that are live on our platform.

Each day, you will check each new Fulfillment Request that enters the report. The report is grouped by Fulfillment Request: Created Date, then by Account, Order, and Fulfillment Request.

A typical day’s report showing all accounts with and without a live website.

Set All Fulfillment Detail Stage to Pre-Production

Regardless of the client’s website status, all Fulfillment Detail Stage must be set to Pre-Production to enable the Ready State of Fulfillment Tasks in Fulfillment Requests.

  1. Click the Fulfillment Request Name on the report.

  2. Click a pencil icon to the left of any field to start editing fields.

  1. Set the Fulfillment Detail Stage to Pre-production and select the Product and save. You will be able to tell which product the Fulfillment Request should have by looking at the Fulfillment Type in the Fulfillment Request Details section.

Scenario 1 - Website is live

In this example, we’ll explore what it looks like when a website is live.


  1. Take a look at all the queues that these requests are going to go to. In the example below, Burr Farms Machinery has a request going to the DS/ARI SEO PDM Team, and Conlon Motorsports has 2 Fulfillment Requests going to the DS/ARI AEM Team.

  2. Click the Account Name to view the client’s account information page.

  3. At the top of the Account page, you should see the client’s website URL. Click on it.

  4. At the bottom of the client’s website, you should see the Dealer Spike logo, which confirms that the client’s website is live, and the service can be fulfilled immediately. If you don’t see any indication that the website may belong to another provider, press CTRL + U on your keyboard to bring up the source console. Use CTRL + F to bring up the search box and search for “Dealer Spike”. If the phrase exists in this window, then that is a confirmation that the website is live on the Dealer Spike platform.

  5. DS/ARI Amendment to Website Live items

  6. That’s it! There is no further action to be taken for clients whose website is live.

Scenario 2 - Website not live

In this example, we’ll explore what it looks like and what to do when a website is not live.

  1. The report above is the same as the one in the Website is live scenario, but we’ll explore Burr Farms Machinery Inc.

  2. Click the Account Name to view the client’s account information page.

  3. At the top of the Account page, you should see the client’s website URL. Click on it.

  4. Another way to see if the website is live is by clicking on the Customer Products tab and expanding the list until you see the website product listed as pictured below. If a website is live, the status will be Active. If not, the status will be Pending Activation.

  5. Unfortunately, it looks like this website is not on the ARI platform yet. We must prevent our team from setting it up until the website is live! Here’s how we’ll do that.

  6. Go back to your report with the Order Number. Click on the Order Number. This will bring you to the order. Scroll down until you see the Fulfillment Requests in one of the boxes on the right. Alternatively, you can stay on the Account page and scroll down until you see the same box.

  7. Click View All beneath the Fulfillment Requests box. This brings you to the entire list of requests for this client!

If you’re ever curious about what the client purchased, click the Fulfillment Request name and look at Fulfillment Type. You can also see a list of all of the client’s products by going into the account and clicking Account Products.

Now that we know how to verify the website status and fulfillment tasks (what needs to be done) for the account, we’ll learn how to read an order and identify both the website and digital marketing fulfillment requests.

  1. Locate the Website Fulfillment Request.

  2. In the above image, the Website fulfillment type is in dark gray. Use your cursor to highlight the Fulfillment Request Name. In this instance, the Fulfillment Request Name is FR-0010936. You’re about to make this website fulfillment request the parent of all digital marketing fulfillment requests.

  3. Now click into each Digital Marketing Fulfillment Request. Here is a list of digital marketing fulfillment types: Fulfillment Types & Products.

  4. In this case, the Reputation Management and AEM services have been identified as digital marketing services! The checkboxes are marked for demonstration purposes only. You must click into each Fulfillment Request and do the following steps below to put them on hold.

Sometimes you might get confused about which is the parent and which is the child. Just remember: Parents stop children from doing bad things!

Website requests stop digital marketing requests from being fulfilled without a live website. That would be embarrassing!

If the Website Fulfillment Request’s Status is Completed, but the website is still not live, it might be going under a redesign. In this case, look for the ARI Responsive Redesign or Dealer Spike Website Redesign Fulfillment Request and use it as the parent request instead.

This is a completed Website Fulfillment Request.

Now we’ll put Fulfillment Requests on hold!

  1. Once inside the digital marketing Fulfillment Request, set the status to On-Hold by clicking the pencil to the right of the Status field. All fields will become editable.

    Initial view
    Editable view
  2. Now set the product. on the left side. Need a hint? The product will be the same as the queue it’s in.

  3. Scroll all the way down to the Customer Details section and find the Parent Request field.

  4. Remember your website Fulfillment Request name from earlier? Paste it into the field!

  1. Click Save, which stands for “My job is to save the world from requests that are not ready to be worked on.”

You may move on to the next order.

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