PDM: Intake - Single & Multiple Locations

PDM: Intake - Single & Multiple Locations

Salesforce report: DS/ARI DigMS Ops: Outreach - PDM (N)

When there are new DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Intake call fulfillment tasks, you will check if the website is for a single location or multiple locations. Depending on your findings, you will update the fulfillment task record accordingly.

Before proceeding, close out any duplicate fulfillment tasks by following the PDM: Intake - Duplicates instructions to ensure you are updating the correct record.

Multiple Locations Instructions

Step 1: Look for fulfillment task with “-” in the Actions Taken column.

Step 2: Click on the fulfillment task’s website URL and locate the location information either on the header or footer of the website. If the client has more than 1 location, they will need an intake call.

Header with multiple locations
Footer with multiple locations

Step 3: Click the fulfillment task name “DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Intake call” in the correct row.

Step 4: Click any pencil icon to begin editing the fulfillment task record.


Step 5: Modify the following fields exactly as follows:

Actions Taken: Multiple locations.

Step 6: Save the record by clicking the Save button at the bottom.


Single Location Instructions

If a website only contains a single location, the intake the outreach team can bypass the intake task. In this case, the operations team will close the fulfillment task.

Step 1: Look for fulfillment tasks with “-” in the Actions Taken column.

Step 2: Click on the fulfillment task’s website URL and locate the location information either on the header or footer of the website. If the client 1 location, they will not receive an intake call.

Footer with single location

Step 3: Click the fulfillment task name “DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Intake call” in the correct row.

Step 4: Click any pencil icon to begin editing the fulfillment task record.


Step 5: Modify the following fields exactly as follows:

Status: Closed
Closure Reason: Not Applicable
Actions Taken: Single location. PDM Intake not required.

Step 6: Save the record by clicking the Save button at the bottom.



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