Google Analytics Setup

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Setting up a client property and view in Google Analytics to start the setup of tracking tools when a client is added to the Initial Setup column of the First Month Tasks board.



  • After creating and/or locating the client sheet for a new client in the Initial Setup column of the FMT board we’ll start configuring tracking tools starting with Google Analytics.


  • With some returning clients, there will sometimes be an existing property in any of the following Google accounts:

    • For Dealer Spike clients:



    • For ARI clients:



  • If an existing property is found, verify it has the complete setup by checking the following:

    • Website URL is correct in both the property settings and view settings.

    • The view has a set of goals.

    • 2 filters are added, commonly “Tools” & “Office IP”.

    • There’s an active Time Decay attribution model.

  • For ARI clients new properties will be created with the Google account, for DS the Google account will be used.

  • Go to Google Analytics and enable the admin view by clicking on Admin in the bottom left corner, this enables this 3 column-view to start creating new properties.

  • To create a new property we’ll have to select the first available GA account depending on the brand.

    • For Dealer Spike:

      • Select the first available “Dealer Spike Part ##” account with less than 2000 properties. (Currently, we are using the “Dealer Spike Part 1” account)

    • For ARI:

      • Select the first available “ARI SEM Analytics #” account with less than 2000 properties (Currently, we are using the “ARI SEM Analytics” account)

  • Click on the “+ Create a Property” button to start the property setup wizard

    • Enter the dealer’s name in the Property Name box

    • Click on the Show Advanced Options button near the bottom of the setup window.

      • Enable the Create a Universal Analytics property slider

      • Add their domain in the Website URL box

      • Check the option to Create a Universal Analytics property only and click on Next

    • Pick the dealer’s main industry (usually “Autos & Vehicles”) and finally click on create at the bottom.

In the View column, we’ll update 4 things: View’s name, Goals, Filters, and Attribution Models

  • By default when creating a new property GA gives it the “All Website Data” name, to change this navigate to the View column and click on the first option View Settings.

    • In View settings update the All Website Data in the View Name box. Navigate to the bottom and click on Save to update the view’s name.

  • Goals are imported directly to the view through a URL saved as a bookmark in the and Each agency has its own list of goals:

    • For DS

    • For ARI

    • Clicking on this bookmark opens up the Configuration Import where we’ll select the view where we’re importing goals. Select the view and click on Create at the bottom of this page to import new goals to that view.

  • Our filters are made to exclude our company traffic on dealers' websites through our IP. We create two of them in the Filters section of the View Configuration.

    • In the Filters click on the +Add Filter red button to create a new filter.

      • Name this filter Tools and select the following:

        • Exclude

        • traffic from the IP addresses

        • that are equal to

        • Add this IP address:

        • Click on save.

      • Add a new filter named Office IP and select the same options from the previous filter

        • Exclude

        • traffic from the IP addresses

        • that are equal to

        • add this IP Address:

        • Click on save.

  • Our last step in setting up a GA View is adding an attribution model. To do this go to Multi-Channel Funnel Settings and add a new attribution model with red button in the top. Set it up as follows:

    • For Model Name we’ll use Time Decay

    • In Baseline Model select Time Decay.

    • Set half-life of decay of 30 days.

    • Activate the Lookback Window and set it 60 days prior to conversion.

    • Click on save to add this attribution model to the view.

With that finished setting up a new Google Analytics property and view.


  • With this configuration, we have a property ready to start receiving customer data as soon as we add tracking for it on the client's site.

