First Month Juniper Setup Checklist

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.


The purpose of this document outlines each step for the setup of client accounts and profiles across our tools.


All of these tasks will be taken care of by Juniper at the beginning of a client's time with SEO, but it is still a good idea to familiarize yourself with these processes. 


  1. Sign into SEO Profile

  2. Go to Google Analytics

  3. Ctrl+f to make sure your client has not already been created

  4. Find Dealer Spike part X where X = the highest number that has room to add another client to

  5. Create a new property

  6. Fill out the website name, the url, and make the category Automotive

  7. Get your tracking ID and record it you will need it for setting up GTM

  8. Change the initial view from All Web Site Data to the name of the dealership.

  9. While in the setting add site search tracking

    1. Query parameter of sq and strip the parameters out of URL

  10. Save your changes

  1. Make sure you have the UA code from Analytics

  2. Find out which account we are using for GTM. Currently it is SEM

  3. Go to Google Tag Manager

  4. Create a new account by clicking Create Account

  5. Name the Account the name of your Dealership

  6. The container name will be the name of the URL you are working on

  7. Click Web for container type and then click Create

  8. Agree to the TOS

  9. You will now have the two blocks of code, keep those open and find your client in notepad++

  10. Open the includes folder

    1. In you will paste the first code as high up in the <head> section as possible.

    2. In stdHeaderEnd.con you will past the second code as close to the <body> tag as possible

  11. Hit esc to go to the Workspace Panel and click add a new tag

  12. Name this tag DS - GA Tracking Code

  13. In Tag Configuration

    1. Choose Universal Analytics for tag type

    2. Track Type will be Page View

    3. For Select Setting Variable choose new variable

      1. With in the new variable past the GTA tag

      2. Name this variable SEO SEM Analytics Tag

    4. Where it says Triggering choose All Page and Save

    5. Go to the admin panel

    6. Click user management

    7. Add a new user, and add the SEO@dealerspike address as an admin with permissions to publish.

  1. Using the SEO account log into Google Search Console (GSC)

  2. Add a new Property by clicking the button that says Add a Property

  3. Verify ownership of the page by using Google Tag Manager

  4. Go To the dashboard and click the gear icon to and click Google Analytics Property to connect the two

  5. Use ctrl+f to find the website of your client and click the button next to that name.

  6. Scroll to the bottom and click save.

  1. Ensure your site is V6 or V7

  2. Locate your Client’s folder in Notepad++

  3. Open includes >

  4. Locate the line of code that reads:

    1. <link id="responsiveStyles" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/styles.css" />

  5. Below that code, copy and paste the following:

    1. <!-- SEO CSS Import File - [SEO Name] - [Enter Date Added] -->

    2. <link id="seoStyles" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/imglib/seo/css/seo-css-v6.css" />

  6. Fill in Name with your name and Date Added with today’s date.

  7. Save

  8. Mark off with an “x” in SEO setup & monthly the column titled “Automatic Image Resizing Code for V6 Sites”

  1. Go to

  2. In the top nav bar next to Dashboard, select “+ Add a Business”

  3. Fill Dealers name in normally with appropriate capitalization in the Brand/Business box and then the dealersname in all lowercase and no spaces in “short name” box.

    1. Ex. Copley’s RV

    2. copleysrv

  4. In the drop down under copy setup from another profile, select “American Family RV” & submit

  5. On the left hand side, select “Connect a location” and fill in the boxes before selecting “lookup”

  6. Check all of the results to ensure that address and any other information is correct. You can also select the blue view under each profile to double check it’s good - click continue once you’ve checked these and the boxes are selected next to the correct online profile

  7. On your left, scroll down and make sure that only a maximum of three sites are selected (selected meaning there is a green check mark circle)

    1. You want Google, Yelp and Facebook selected and in the top three spots with Google as number 1.

  8. Scroll down a bit more and add in the notifications email

    1. Add yourself and the emails of any of the contacts at the dealership who would like to receive notifications on new reviews (enter at least one dealer contact)

  9. Select Update

  10. Back at the top of the page, select the Reviews tab

  11. Click the blue “+ Add Review monitoring” button > confirm

  12. Click reviews> add review monitoring (included)>confirm

  13. Still in the Reviews page, select the “Review stream” tab>

  14. On your left under Customize Embed Code:

    1. Deselect include empty

    2. Update # of reviews to 20

    3. Click update embed code

  15. Scroll up again, and still in the Reviews page, select the Settings tab

  16. Make sure that your email and the emails of the dealer contacts that want to receive notification of new emails are listed under Review Alerts

  17. If your dealer only wanted to receive notification of negative reviews, you can change the “any star rating” drop down menu to say “less than 4”

  18. Save Alert Settings

  19. Now select “Reporting” in Nav bar

  20. Select the blue button on the right side of your screen that says “+Schedule a Report”

  21. Select the new “Schedule” tab

  22. In Report Settings:

    1. Select the drop down under “schedule” and select “change schedule”

    2. Make sure the last day of the month is selected & click OK

    3. Timeframe covered drop down > select 1 month

    4. Check the box for “Customize Report sections?”

      1. Deselect all boxes EXCEPT new reviews - leave this checked

    5. Add your email to the add recipient (this is who receives the report at the end of the month and also how juniper gets a hold of your reports to put in the final SEO report)

    6. Update Settings

  23. Uploading approved/existing surveys

    1. Go to dealer admin page and select page content > manage surveys and select “approved surveys” from the drop down

    2. Select the Generate CSV button

    3. Open the CSV

      1. In the column titled “Is Anonymous” check if there are any cells that say “true” - if you find one, change the first name to Anonymous and delete the last name.

      2. In the column titled “Allow Comments” check if there are any cells that say “false” - if you find them, you must delete that entire row


      4. Once you’ve checked these two columns, delete all columns except those that are labeled:

        1. “Insert Date”

        2. “First Name”

        3. “Last Name”

        4. “E-mail Address”

        5. “Rate Overall”

        6. “Comments”

      5. Copy all of this data

    4. In the dealer’s client sheet, add a new tab titled “Approved Surveys” and paste the info you just copied from the CSV

    5. Right click Column C to select entire column and select “Insert 1 Right” to add a new column.

      1. In this column that you just created, put the formula =CONCATENATE(B2," ",C2)

      2. Copy this formula down to join all first and last names into one cell.

      3. Select this column, CTRL +C and then CTRL + Shift + V to paste information without formulas

    6. Delete the columns titled First Name and Last Name

    7. Rename and order the columns to look like this:

      1. date | rating | content | attribution | email_address

    8. Export - Select File > Download As > CSV

    9. Return to and be sure you’re in your client’s profile

    10. Select Reviews tab

    11. Select the blue “Upload File” button on the right side

    12. Browse and upload the exported .CSV you just created

    13. Play the weird “match the blue to the green” game to ensure it is referencing the correct columns

    14. It should pull up an example in a window of what you’re uploading - double check it all looks like what you just made then select upload