Finance and Leadpop Leads (DS Only)

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.


Lay out instructions for adding two leads snippets to Dealer Spike websites.



  • GTM and GA accounts previously created

  • Xfinance form template


  • Go to the DS Admin menu and open the “</> Enable Snippets” Option

  • First, check the second drop-down menu for any previous setups for two snippets:

    • Page: xfinance->thankyoumessage

    • Page: xLeadPopup->header

If any of the two are already in this “Select content to edit” drop-down menu skip it in the following step

  • If there are no instances of these two snippets search in the first drop-down menu “Available hooks”.

    • Select each snippet and click on Enable on the right of this drop-down.

  • After enabling these look for them in the second option and now edit them.

    • For xfinance->thankyoumessage paste the code provided in a txt file above. Here replace the UA code in the line “ga('create', 'UA-', 'auto');” where it says UA-.

    • For xLeadPopup->header paste both snippets for inserting GTM into DS sites.

  • Save both snippets.


  • Both leads have been setup.

