• Rough draft
  • SEO Salesforce Process Outline



    Table of Contents

    Ongoing Fulfillment

    Content Creation

    Content Request

    No longer a step in the Content process. Relies upon the content rep maintaining Campaign plan.

    Task Creation Content Team

    • Automated: Task created and assigned to the content writing Queue.

    Task Assignment Content Team

    • Content team to select content pieces from shared queue(tasks are not per-assigned).

    Review the Campaign Plan Content Team

    • Change status to “In Progress”

    • Open customer Account.

    • Go to Quicklinks

    • Click Work Done to view the new version of the Campaign plan in Salesforce.

    • Review the content pieces to be written for the month in the campaign plan.

    • If campaign plan items do not require a kickback, then…

    • Select one of the Campaign Plan pieces for the Month to write for the Content Writing Task you are working on.

      • TBD Link to the Task you are working on from the Campaign Plan item/row.

    • On the Fulfillment Task open Chatter. Record chatter using this template and including all information:

    • If the task required a kickback then…

    Optional: Kickback Campaign Plan Content Team

    • Add kickback notes to the Chatter in the format of:
      Campaign Plan Kickback Notes:

    • Assign the Task to the “SEO Queue”.

    Optional: Campaign Plan Revisions SEO Team

    • Review Chatter Notes for Campaign Plan Kickback.

    • Make revisions to Campaign Plan if needed.

    • On the Task add note in Chatter confirming the change was made or not and why.

    • Reassign task to the Content Writing Queue.

    Writing content piece Content Team

    • Include meta data (on the doc with the piece, or in a note somewhere - chatter?)

    • Link the finished doc somewhere - chatter?

    Assign Task to QA Queue Content Team

    • Content writer reassigns task to QA Queue.

    QA Content Piece QA Team

    • Any member of the QA Team grabs the Task and marks it In Progress

      • Can the QA member, once they take the Task and begin, assign the Task to themselves?

    • Check chatter for doc link? (and meta data?)

    • QA meta data

    • QA piece

    • Leave comments (chatter?)

      • For specific comments, writers need to acknowledge. Currently on a Google sheet. Perhaps this situation will now be a kickback?

    • Mark task as either Complete? (or On Hold - kickback?)

    • If no kickback, assign to Juniper Queue

    Kickback Content Piece QA Team

    • Add kickback notes to chatter? This would be any of the following:

      • Meta Data Corrections

      • Corrections on the piece

      • Specific feedback for the rep to acknowledge?

    • Reassign the Task to the Content Queue

    Content Revisions Content Team

    • Review chatter notes

    • Make revisions (if necessary)

    • On the Task add note in Chatter confirming the change was made or not and why.

    • Reassign task to the QA Queue

    QA Revised Content QA TEAM

    • Follow steps for QA Content Piece (above)

    Assign To Juniper SEO Queue Juniper SEO Team

    • QA rep reassigns individual task to Juniper SEO Queue.

    Optional: Client Content Approval Requests Juniper SEO Team

    • Juniper rep sends to the AM to send to the client

    • Get feedback from the client

    • Assign back to the writer

    • Complete client feedback revisions

    • Content writer sends task back to Juniper SEO Queue.

    Assign to Juniper SEO Ops Rep

    Post Content Juniper SEO Team

    • Where do you find the content to post? - Attached to the Task Order.

    • Where do you record the content you have posted url? - Quick Link-DigMS Profile.

    • Content Posted

    • Internal QA Review - Create a new Case or just forward.

    Record WD URL Juniper SEO Team

    • record it where? on account level? wherever the campaign plan exists.

    Onsite Optimization

    • The task is created at the start of the month and is filtered to an SEO rep’s dashboard

    • The task is worked on by the SEO rep according to the campaign plan.

    • WD URL is recorded in the campaign plan by SEO rep. record in chatter instead?

    • Task is assigned to QA’s Queue

    QA Site Work QA TEAM

    • Any member of the QA Team grabs the Task and marks it In Progress

      • Can the QA member, once they take the Task and begin, assign the Task to themselves?

    • Check chatter for WD Import link?

    • QA WD Import, Keyword Tracking, & Site Work

    • Leave comments (chatter?)

    • Mark Task as Complete if all good, and assign somewhere (where?)

    • If corrections are needed, add a Due Date (how?) and mark as On Hold?

    • For one-time corrections, kickback by reassigning to SEO Queue (SEO rep makes changes and assign…somewhere)

    • If resubmission is needed, kickback by reassigning to SEO Queue (SEO rep will make changes and reassign to QA Queue)

      • QA revised work, following the above directions

    Youtube Posting Juniper SEO Team

    YouTube Posting Assignation

    • Juniper SEO rep creates a YouTube assignment according to the campaign plan.

    YouTube video creation and upload

    • Juniper SO Ops rep creates an Animoto video or downloads an existing video and uploads it to the client’s YouTube channel.

    YouTube video QA & publishing

    • Juniper SEO Ops QA to check the video and publish it if there are no mistakes

    YouTube video corrections

    • Juniper SEO Ops rep to re

    SEO Monthly Reporting

    QA Work Done Import QA TEAM

    • Go to a list of all active SEO accounts getting reports

    • Open up an account?

    • Go to Quicklinks?

    • Select Work Done?

    • QA WDI

    • Leave Comments (chatter?)

    • Mark Task as Complete if all is good

    • For one-time corrections, kickback by assigning to SEO Queue (SEO rep makes changes and assigns…to Juniper Queue?)

    • If WDI is in need of major revision and a resubmission is needed, kickback by assigning to SEO Queue (SEO rep will make changes and reassign to QA Queue)

      • Follow above protocol

    Auto SEO Keyword Import Tool?? (to be replaced by the data lake)

    Report Running??(set reports to autorun)Juniper SEO Team

    • Go into the client’s Ninjacat account and run the report

    • Or set the auto run option before the reporting period

    Report QAJuniper SEO Team

    Report SendJuniper SEO Team



    Setup Fulfillment


    Takedown Fulfillment



    SEO Fulfillment Queues

    SEO Team = DS ARI SEO Team

    QA Team = DS ARI QA????

    Juniper SEO Team =


    Future Modifications Needing More Information:

    • Can we have a field on the work done records to post the associated task ID

      • What are all the fields on the work done records - Do we have all the fields needed for the content requests?
