Takedown Fulfillment Requests

Takedown Fulfillment Requests

Dashboard: DS/ARI DigMS Setups & Takedowns

Step 1: Click the Fulfillment Request Name to open the fulfillment request.


Step 2: Scroll down and note the Order number in the System Information section.


Step 3: Click the Notes From Sales tab to read the Fulfillment Order Details. Here, find the Order number that matches the one you found in the System Information section.

Step 4: Depending on the notes, there are two options that will result. Please click through to follow one of the guides below.

True Cancellations mention the following items:

  • Cancellation

  • Partial Cancellation

  • Full Cancellation

False Takedown Requests mention the following items:

  • Upsell

  • Swap/Exchange

  • Upgrade

  • Downgrade

  • Billing

  • Clean-up

  • N/A