TDA Process Overview

TDA Process Overview

Account Managers:

  1. Sale comes in and reps are assigned.

  2. Card is created on Targeted Digital Advertising Trello board.

  3. Intake is scheduled.

  4. Intake is complete.

  5. Order form is submitted to Simplifi.

  6. Supplemental info is gathered (display ads created and approved, SEM/SEO rep creates keyword lists) and sent to Simplifi.

  7. Accounting is emailed and informed of live date and budget.

  8. Account managers are the face of the client in terms of any changes for the campaign (display ads, targeting, etc.) and communicate that with Simplifi.

  9. Go over monthly reports with the client.

SEM Reps:

  1. Juniper will add the Simplifi Data Source to Ninja Cat Report - Rep will check to make sure it is set up correctly!!

  2. Pull keyword export and send to AMs.

  3. Pull geographic location targeting from Google Ads and send to AMs. Radius, cities, zip codes.

  4. Confirm that co-op budgets are added to the Monthly Co-Op Budget Doc.

  5. AMs will be assigned to all TDA calls, besides Senior Reps, so they will be the ones to send updates to Simplifi. Senior Reps can update campaigns by sending an email directly to west@simpli.fi, since they will be on the calls with TDA clients.

  6. Maintaining a TDA campaign:

    1. Suggest new display sets at least once every three months: Leave a note in the “Call Notes” section of the TDA tab of the Client Sheet for the AM to discuss new display ads in their next call.

    2. Geofence research: New lifestyle geofences, upcoming local events, removing geofences that are significantly far from the conversion zone, etc.

    3. Keywords: Add new keywords to the campaign based on new inventory.

Note: To see where a TDA is in the onboarding process, check their Trello card in the Targeted Digital Advertising board.

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