StreamsAdmin / OEM Replacement Catalog

ARI Responsive Websites

StreamsAdmin / OEM Replacement Catalog

This gives dealers the ability to manage their parts within the E-Commerce Configuration.

All users who have access to the OEM Replacement catalog will now see a new "Parts Manager" link in the "Settings" dropdown of their account. This is mainly used for Dealer Spike dealers who use Parts Lookup but cannot manage their items, however, it is available to all users with OEM Replacement catalog enabled.

Enter Parts Lookup App Key to gain access to manage Parts Lookup settings

Hide prices from the part list by brand type

Bulk manage and update parts pricing via .xlsx file and clear pricing for entire brands

Apply whole brand price markups with price range and minimum price settings

For Example A dealer wants to apply a 10% markup fo Yamaha parts, instead of managing the prices of individual parts.

Edit the price, description, weight, and "call for price" of individual parts


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