File Center

ARI Responsive Websites

File Center

The E-Commerce Configuration’s File Center is the main hub for all csv file jobs. Here you can upload files to manipulate Pricing, Inventory, Products, and Categories.

Price Overrides

This feature grants you the ability to Import exact pricing for each Distributor SKU. It also enables you to Export every single Price Override that you have in place already. To learn more, Click Here

Webstore Categories and Products

Here you can manage your webstore’s Category Structure as well as the way in which Products are mapped to it. Add/Edit/Delete categories or change the category that products are listed to. To learn more, Click Here

Cost Overrides

This feature is rarely used. If you want to set Pricing Rules for entire brands and have the sale price set to Cost plus x% you can do that here. For more information, Click Here

Image Overrides

This allows you to change the product image that is provided in the aftermarket catalog or, add an image to a product that is missing a product image altogether. You can Import externally hosted image URLs for each MPN. It also enables you to Export every single Image Override that you have in the system at once. To learn more about this feature, Click Here

Shelf Quantities

Generally speaking, Shelf Quantities represent inventory and pricing from sources that are outside the aftermarket distributor network. This feature grants you the ability to manage current inventory levels and pricing for products that you either have in your store or products that you carry in your Private Catalog. For more information, Click Here

Private Catalog: Export Products

Use this feature if you already have Private Catalog Products loaded into the E-Commerce Configuration and want to make edits to them. To learn more, Click Here

Private Catalog: Import Products

Use this feature to create new Private Catalog Products, or to make edits to existing Products. For more information, Click Here

Private Catalog: Import Fitment

This is used to import fitment data for your Private Catalog products. To learn more, Click Here

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