Content Kickback Process

Content Kickback Process

This document provides a breakdown of the kickback process for content, including common issues and the full process from start to finish.

Official Kickback Disclaimer

Some content requests the team receives provide insufficient information to start or complete the requested content. As a general rule, if the team or an individual writer cannot complete a request for any reason, then the writer is within their rights to kick the request back to the reps. A writer is within their rights to kick back a request at any point during fulfillment, no matter how much work they’ve already put into the piece.

Writers are encouraged to kick back content requests the moment they realize the request is impossible to complete as-is or would take an inordinate amount of time to fill.

Common Kickback Reasons

Whether or not a card needs to be kicked back is largely up to the discretion of the writer tackling the request, however there are some more common errors that come up that should be automatic red flags.

Check the dealer folder or Content History Sheet in the client sheet before beginning to fill a request and make sure it’s not a duplicate.

There are two types of duplicates you may encounter:

  • Hard duplicates: The request exactly matches content that already exists for the dealer

  • Soft duplicates: The request doesn’t look like a duplicate based on the title, but all content that would be covered is already covered in a different piece

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    • Travel Trailer Maintenance vs Fifth Wheel Maintenance

This will be left up to individual writers’ skill level. It’s worth noting some clients will naturally provide more difficult content due to their inventory and there may not always be available alternative options.

Sections of the card have not been completed (like the dealer info section) or essential information is missing (resources for content piece requests on the ARI side).

Ex. Keywords that don’t match the provided resources or ILP links.

As of 1/2022, the content team no longer accepts articles based on an OEM keyword.

If OEM keywords must appear in the content, they can be requested as variants.

The Kickback Process

When an issue is identified, writers should complete the following steps:

Note on Contacting Reps Directly

In some cases, it may be faster to directly contact the SEO about a point of confusion. These will still need to be recorded in the Kickback Sheet. Check the “Not Official KB” box in column J for these kickbacks.

If attempting to quickly resolve an issue has the opposite effect it’s intended to have, the writer may turn it into an official kickback or escalate the situation to the Content Team Lead (Amanda Kelner). Alternatively, the writer may also contact the rep’s pod lead if the issue indicates a comprehensive retraining is in order.


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