CS - Dealer Approval Process for SEO Content

CS - Dealer Approval Process for SEO Content

The dealer approval process occurs when the client has requested to approve their written content before publishing it on their website.

To start this process, there is one step that the SEO Rep must take:

On the monthly sheet, the SEO rep should add the “Needs Dealer Approval” label to column A of the client line, then notify their SEO Team Lead so they can go into Salesforce and switch out the fulfillment task template for the labeled one.

Instructions for the SEO Team Lead:

Separate Fulfillment Task Templates have been created that include "dealer approval" in the task name as well as instructions in the description. These task templates do not have a fulfillment type listed on purpose; this keeps the template from automatically generating on every active ongoing fulfillment that matched the fulfillment type every month. This will then require someone to go in and edit the fulfillment task templates used within the ongoing fulfillment's fulfillment schedule in order for tasks to generate monthly that include the approval label. Just click into the SEO ongoing fulfillment, then select the desired fulfillment schedule (usually Content Piece 1 or 2) and click edit. then just replace the fulfimment task template number with the approval template and that's it! Tasks that generate monthly moving forward will automatically include the approval label in the task name.

Continue filling out the content requests as normal within the content task in Salesforce, which will then go to the content team’s queue to fulfill.

Once the content writer attaches the content link to the Completed Piece URL field within the FWD line, they will reassign the task to the QA team’s queue, who will QA the content and then change the queue to go to Juniper while leaving it in New status. Then an assigned Juniper rep will send an email notification to the Account Manager and change the content task to On Hold status. The account manager can be found in the Account Team on the Salesforce Account:


The Juniper rep will go into Fulfillment Work Done line and open up the link to the content Google doc, then download it as a Word doc (.docx). Below is the template the Juniper rep can use to email the account manager:


Email to Account Manager Template

Subject: Content Approval Required for {dealer name}



A client approval is required for {dealer name}. I have attached the content Word doc to this email, please pass it along to the dealer and notify them that they have 5 business days to reply with their approval or comments for changes before we proceed with posting the content. If the dealer has specified that they need more than 5 days to reply, please let us know so we can update the instructions in the Dealer Info section of the content card. Thanks!

INTERNAL ONLY: Account Managers should not just forward this email to the dealer! They must create a separate email for the dealer using the template below.

Once the email is sent to the account manager, the AM has 6 days to send an email to the dealer, and they should reply to the Juniper rep’s email when the content approval email has been sent. That is when the 5 day period begins to get word back from the dealer. If the account manager does not reply with this confirmation, the Juniper rep should reach out to the AM team lead to see if the AM is out of the office. If this is the case, the AM team lead should send out the dealer approval email instead.

Both ARI and DS requests and accounts can be viewed here in a Report created by Grant G.


Account Manager Step 1 - Outreach

a. Download all content pieces from the email by clicking File > Download > in a Word doc (.docx) format.

b. Send an email with the content pieces attached to the client and ask for approval using the following template:

Step 2 - Approval

If the client approves: Reply to the original email thread sent by Juniper with “Client approves, good to post content!”

If the client requests edits: Reply to the original email thread sent by Juniper with the edit requirements.


Juniper Rep Final Step - Move the Task or Post the Content

If the client approves: publish the content and mark the task as In-Progress, until the last QA check on-site is completed and the status is changed to Closed/Completed.

If the client requests edits: Move the task back to the Content team’s queue and tag the content writer in the edits comment in the Chatter.

That’s it!


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