Categories by csv

ARI Responsive Websites

Categories by csv

We will cover the Export option first since it will provide you with the existing “pre-loaded” Category Structure along with any “unmapped” or “uncategorized” product groups.

To begin with, browse to File Center from the main navigation bar.

Step 1 - Export Category Structure

On the left-hand menu under Webstore Categories and Products, click "Client: Export Category Structure". Then click “Submit”.

This will initiate a job that will provide you with the existing Category Structure. Allow up to 30 minutes for this to complete.

Step 2 - Retrieve Export

Check back in File Center where you will see the job that you had just run. Jobs will move between statuses of Pending > Processing > Complete. Once you see your job has completed just click into the blue hyperlink and it will download the export file to your computer.

Step 3 - Make Changes

The csv file that was exported will contain three (3) columns:


This column provides every category path that exists in your webstore.


This column tells you how many Product Groups are listed to each category.


This column is used for when you import the file back into the system. If you wanted to delete a category you would place a 1 next to the category that you wanted to delete.

Recommendations and Key Points

Make sure you use proper spacing. There should be a space before and after the “>”

Example: Parts > Marine > Steering & Controls > Power Steering

Use proper capitalization. Don’t do all caps.

Make a note of the Root Category. You are welcome to create new root categories but you should make sure that is the route that you want to go. The ARI category structure for Powersports has a root category of “Parts”.

Remember, if you delete categories it will delete any products from your webstore that are associated with it.

Step 4 - Import Category Structure

On the left-hand menu under Webstore Categories and Products, click "Client: Import Category Structure".

Now, you can take the export file and delete the 2nd column WebstoreCategory.product_count and upload the file right here. Or you can also copy/paste your work from the export file and place it onto the import template which can be downloaded here.

Step 5 - Monitor Job Processing

You will want to monitor the job that you just ran in File Center. The job will be in a Pending or Processing status until the system has completed it. These jobs typically take 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the csv file.

Once finished you will see the job Completed or Complete w/ Warnings. Click on the job and you will have access to a Processing Report. Open the report and the success or failure of each line item will be reported.

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