
ARI Responsive Websites


To add,edit and remove gallery groups and galleries, follow these instructions

Getting to the Gallery Manager

  1. If you are not already logged into the ARI CMS, go to the ARI CMS and log in. 
  2. Go to Structured Content > Galleries

Adding a New Gallery

  1. Click the '+ New Gallery' button
  2. Add a Gallery Group Title (Required)
  3. If you have more than one website, go to the drop down menu labeled Owner and select the website on which the gallery should display. Select All if the gallery should display on all available websites in your account
  4. Add a Group Description (Optional)
  5. Click Save Changes, then Publish Changes

Adding Images 

  1. Click the + Images button to add images from your library or to upload new images
  2. From your library folder select one or more images and click Choose Selected Images
  3. For each image, the following information can be entered by clicking Edit
    1. Image Title (Required, default title applied)
    2. Image Description
  4. Once you have completed editing your images, click Save Changes
  5. Click Publish Changes

Editing a Gallery 

  1. Go to Structured Content > Galleries
  2. Click the Details button on the gallery that you wish to edit
  3. Make your intended changes (add/remove images, edit title, edit description, etc.)
  4. Select Save Changes, then Publish Changes

Bulk Actions

  1. Use the drop down defaulted as 'Bulk Actions' to select an action
  2. Place a check in either the 'Select All' box or the individual box for the targeted detail
  3. Click the 'Apply' button to make the changes

Activating or Deactivating a Gallery

  1. Use the check box in the Active column on Gallery management page to turn your galleries on and off.

Deleting a Gallery

  1. Check the red X button in the far right position in the gallery header row. Click Delete to confirm.

Related articles appear here based on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels.

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