SEO Monthly Calendar & Workflows

SEO Monthly Calendar

Note: Below, “Day“ refers to the working day of the month. Not the date. So if the first workday of a month falls on the 3rd, that would correspond to “Day 1” in the table below.

Who updates this page: Team Leads.

What is updated: Team Leads will fill out the Dates column each month.

When this page is updated: Last week of the prior month

How is this schedule communicated: Team Leads will update the “SEO Calendar” calendar in the SEO General chat based on the dates set below inviting all team members to join each event. Linking to this page from the description of each calendar event for easy access to Daily Check Lists.

Working day of the month


SEO Rep Daily Tasks

Working day of the month


SEO Rep Daily Tasks

Day 1 - 3

October 2-4

Calendar Event Name: Content Request Submissions

  • Daily standup

  • Check the SEO Support Queue

  • Previous Month QA Corrections Completed

  • All Content Requests

  • All Youtube Requests

  • Report corrections

  • Check the Support Queue again

  • Complete Daily Update Report

Day 4 - 5

October 5-9

  • Daily standup

  • Check the SEO Support Queue

  • Check the QA Board for upcoming corrections

  • Report corrections

  • Check for content cards in the Issues column

  • Check the Support Queue again

  • Complete Daily Update Report

Day 4 - 12

October 5-17

Calendar Event Name: First & Second Month Clients Complete

Day 4 - Last DOM -1

October 5-30

  • Daily standup

  • Check the SEO Support Queue

  • Check the QA Board for upcoming corrections

  • Third Month+ Customers

  • Update Campaign Plans

  • Check for content cards in the Issues column

  • Check the Support Queue again

  • Complete Daily Update Report

Last DOM

October 31

Calendar Event Name: Reporting Prep/Monthly Work Cleanup

Calendar Event Name: Work Done Import QA Complete

  • Check the SEO Support Queue

  • Check the QA Board for upcoming corrections

  • Give out Bonusly points

  • Reporting Prep

    • Campaign Plan

    • Keyword List

  • Check the Support Queue again

  • Complete Daily Update Report

  • All WD Import QA for reporting is complete

Day 1 of Next Month

November 1

Calendar Event Name: WD Import QA Corrections Complete

  • Complete all WD Import QA corrections before reports are run

33% Day (6 days)

October 10, Tuesday


66% Day (6 days)

October 19, Thursday


100% Day (6 days)

October 30, Monday


Once monthly



Some months will have more than 20 workdays. For those months we will use the extra time at the end of the month for thing like department wide projects, training, personal development, etc.


  • You can quickly see which cards need your attention by going to the filters at the top right of the board and selecting “Overdue”, Due in the next day”, or “Due in the next week”.

  • Cases assigned to you have a turnaround time of 48 hours.

  • The support queue can be found by clicking on dashboards on the left-hand side, then clicking on the dashboard dropdown and selecting “SEO Rep Dashboard”.

  • If a client does not require a content request for the upcoming month, you will still need to make a copy of the template card and send it to the “No Content Needed For (month)” column.

  • Make sure to drop the Trello card link in the monthly sheet!

Team Lead Daily Checklist