Configure Dynamic Search Ads Campaigns/Ads

Configuring Dynamic Search Ads in Google Ads allows you to show personalized ads to users who have used Google Search.

Create a Import File for the Client’s Inventory

  1. Create Google Sheet and Tabs for Importing Inventory

    1. Login to the appropriate Google Account

      1. Room58 - sem@dealerspike.com

    2. You will need to create two copies of Google Sheets

      1. Import the Feed and Transform

      2. Export to Google Ads

    3. Dynamic Remarketing File #1

      1. Links:

        1. Inventory Search Feed Import Sheet - Room 58 Style

      2. Copy and Rename the Sheet with the Client’s Name

        1. Example: Client Name - Inventory Search Feed Import Sheet - Room 58 Style

      3. Replace the domain with “A1” of tab “1. Feed” with the clients domain

      4. Verify the Export Data Has Correct/Formatted Data

      5. Copy the Sheet ID for this Sheet

    4. Dynamic Remarketing File #2

      1. Links:

        1. Inventory Search Feed Export Sheet - Room 58 Style

      2. Copy and Rename the Sheet with the Client’s Name

        1. Example: Client’s Name - Inventory Search Feed Export Sheet - Room 58 Style

      3. Replace the “PASTE SHEET ID HERE” with the Sheet ID above

      4. Verify Data Populates

Setup Google Ads Feed

  1. Navigate to "Tools" > "Business data."

  2. Click on the "+" button and select “Page Feed”

  3. Fill out the Name of the Feed

    1. “Dealer Name“ Dynamic Search Feed

    2. Select Google Sheets for Uploading a File+

    3. Ensure you Share the Sheet with the Google User

    4. Link The Correct Sheet and Populate the Fields/Columns

      1. Note: Only takes in one tab, so Google Sheet has to have only one tab

  4. Click the New Feed to See Verify Data

Create a Dynamic Search Ads

  1. TBD

Create a Dynamic Search Campaign

  1. TBD

Create an Ad Group for Search Remarketing

  1. TBD


  1. Review Campaign to verify all Ads Running as Expected