Configure Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns/Ads

Configure Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns/Ads

Configuring dynamic ad campaigns in Google Ads allows you to show personalized ads to users who have previously visited your website, featuring inventory, via the vehicle detail pages, they viewed. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up dynamic ad campaigns.

Create a Import File for the Client’s Inventory

  1. Create Google Sheet and Tabs for Importing Inventory

    1. Login to the appropriate Google Account

      1. DS/ARI - sem@dealerspike.com

      2. Ignite - sem@dealerspike.com

      3. Ignition - sem@dealerspike.com

    2. You will need to create two copies of Google Sheets

      1. Import the Feed and Transform

      2. Export to Google Ads

    3. Dynamic Remarketing File #1

      1. Links:

        1. DS Dynamic Remarketing File #1

        2. ARI Dynamic Remarketing File #1

        3. IRV Dynamic Remarketing File #1

        4. NetDriven Dynamic Remarketing File #1 Coming Soon!

        5. Room 58 Dynamic Remarketing File #1

        6. DX1 Dynamic Remarketing File #1

      2. Copy and Rename the Sheet with the Client’s Name

        1. Example: Pete’s RV - DR 1

      3. Replace the domain with “A1” of tab “1. Feed” with the clients domain
        - For DX1: replace “PASTE GUID HERE” with the guid found in the client’s DX1 feed URL

      4. Verify the Export Data Has Correct/Formatted Data

      5. Copy the Sheet ID for this Sheet

    4. Dynamic Remarketing File #2

      1. Links:

        1. Dealer Spike Dynamic Remarketing File #2

        2. ARI Dynamic Remarketing File #2

        3. IRV Dynamic Remarketing File #2

        4. NetDriven Dynamic Remarketing File #2 Coming Soon!

        5. Room 58 Dynamic Remarketing File #2

        6. DX1 Dynamic Remarketing File #2

      2. Copy and Rename the Sheet with the Client’s Name

        1. Example: Pete’s RV - DR 2

      3. Replace the “PASTE SHEET ID HERE” with the Sheet ID above

      4. Verify Data Populates


Dynamic Remarketing File #1
Dynamic Remarketing File #2


Setup Google Ads Feed

  1. Navigate to "Tools & Settings" > "Setup" > "Business data."

  2. Click on the "+" button and select “Dynamic Ad Feed” with:

    1. Business type: Custom

  3. Fill out the Name of the Feed

    1. “Dealer Name“ DR Auto

    2. Select Google Sheets for Uploading a File

    3. Link The Correct Sheet and Populate the Fields/Columns

      1. Note: Only takes in one tab, so Google Sheet has to have only one tab

  4. Click the New Feed to See Verify Data

Create a Dynamic Remarketing Ads

  1. Prepping the Dynamic Ads

    1. There are three dynamic ad templates for 3 different ad sizes

      1. scoreboard (728x90)

      2. banner (160x600)

      3. square (300x250)

    2. For each Ad, you will need the background image from the content team

      1. Rename the image to match the ad template

        1. square, banner, scoreboard, etc

    3. Zip each pair together and rename the file to the image file name

  2. Open the Google Drive Folder - Google Drive Folder

  3. Create a Folder for the Client with the Name

  4. Upload the Three Zip files with Ads from Above

Note: Please report any Dynamic Ad issues to the PO of the Dragons Development Team for Review


Create a Dynamic Remarketing Campaign

  1. Click on "Campaigns" > "+ New Campaign"

    1. “Leads” as Goal

    2. "Display" as the campaign type

    3. Hit Continue

    4. Leave business website blank

    5. Enter your campaign name “Dynamic Remarketing”

    6. Hit Continue

  2. Finalize the rest of the campaign settings

  3. Finalize Budget/Bidding Settings


Create an Ad Group for Dynamic Remarketing

  1. In the "Targeting" section, select "Audience Segments" and choose "Vehicle Detail Page Visitors - 90 Days"

  2. Create Dynamic Ads

    1. Select “Upload Display Ads”

    2. Upload the the dynamic files

      1. With the client’s assets

    3. In the "Dynamic ads" section, turn on "Use dynamic ads" and select your feed

    4. Repeat two more times for another set of ads


  1. Review Campaign to verify all Ads


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